Why do the Decembrist blush the leaves?

The plant, known as the Decembrist , the Humberger or the Christmas tree, is considered unpretentious. It belongs to the family of cacti and usually annually pleases its owners with flowering. But problems, it happens, do not bypass this indoor plant. Today we find out why the Decembrist's leaves are blushing.

Possible causes of reddening of leaves in the Decembrist

To find out why the leaves of the smorgamberers turn red, you need to understand the conditions under which it is contained. Proceeding from this, and the reasons for such "behavior" of the flower can be several:

  1. Too much bright light . This plant is remarkably growing in the penumbra, but with an abundance of light it can get burned. Especially often this happens in the spring and summer. If you saw red or purple spots on your Christmas tree, immediately decorate it or move it to the north window - there it will be good.
  2. The growth of new segments on the leaves of the Decembrist is another cause of redness. In this case, only the tips of a young shoot will be red. As they grow, they will acquire a normal green tint.
  3. Red-violet shade leaves of the Decembrist can get due to improper feeding . Most often this leads to a lack of phosphorus. The plant is best fed with a complex mineral fertilizer of reduced concentration.
  4. And, finally, another possible explanation why your Decembrist blush and fade leaves, can hide in excessive watering . This plant, like all indoor flowers, loves moisture, but in moderate doses. If you "pour" your Decembrist, he can root roots, and then the plant will inevitably die. The first symptom of this is just the redness of the foliage, which will lose its tonus and will look faded. Well, dry the earthenware or transplant the locomber into fresh, healthy soil.