Why can not you sleep in front of a mirror?

The first mirrors appeared several thousand years ago and were considered luxury goods. The owners of such wonderful, all reflecting things were only noble rich men and emperors. The manufacture of mirrors was lurking in great secrecy, and everything that people can not give to a logical explanation begins to "grow" with beliefs, signs based on fear of the unprecedented. So the mirrors caused a lot of fearful beliefs, one of which for some reason is considered that you can not sleep in front of a mirror. in a smooth surface the soul is reflected.

According to ancient beliefs, when a person falls asleep, his soul goes to travel through the earth and, therefore, dreams arise. Therefore, asking the great-grandmother as to whether you can sleep in front of a mirror you will get an unambiguous one, since the soul, returning home and back to the body, can get into a mirror image. It is believed that the mirror will not release the caught soul and the person will die. Another legend about the mystery of mirrors belongs to the ancient tribes of the Indians. They find their explanation of why you can not sleep near a mirror. According to the legend of the Indians, every reflection in the mirror, like photographing, takes some of the energy. And if a person sleeps near a reflective surface, he will lose years of life.

According to the laws of Feng Shui, it is also forbidden to have a mirror in the bedroom. If the mirror surface will reflect the corners of the bed, then the negative energy of them will move to the sleeper and so his sleep will be restless, full of nightmares.

Why not sleep near a mirror?

Our ancestors considered it inadmissible to sleep even near the mirror. Many believed that it as a "black hole" absorbed all the good. There were legends that in every mirror lives a lost soul, which is able to "devour" the life force of people. According to these beliefs, young girls, in the upper room of which there were mirrors, were painful, and the boys were threatened with sudden death.

It was strictly forbidden to have mirrors in the house where the child was born. AT those times often the newborns died from genetic diseases, intracranial pressure, etc., that is, from infirmities that were called "infant" and people did not know the causes of the loss and blamed the mirrors.

If someone recently died in the house, the mirrors were covered with a dense cloth, it was forbidden to look at them and sleep next to them. About why you can not sleep at the mirror, if the house is dead, can tell and Slavic superstition . The thing is that the soul of the deceased can still stay within the walls of the house for forty days and reflect in the mirror. If one of the relatives sleeps these days at the mirror, the deceased person can take his soul.