Why is blueberry useful?

Unique natural antioxidants of catechins, which are found in blueberry berries, activate the burning of fat cells in the abdominal cavity in general, and in particular - fat on the stomach. Based on studies conducted at Tufts University (USA), regular intake of catechins reduces the amount of abdominal fat by 77% and halves the total weight of a person.

Why is blueberry useful?

Blueberry contains a group of plant nutrients (proanthocyanidins), which have a unique ability to protect different types of brain areas from environmental toxins. Blueberry is one of the richest sources of proanthocyanidins. These phytonutrients reduce the amount of free radicals so much that directly affect the slowing down of aging (the appearance of wrinkles), and become a serious protection against many diseases.

Blueberries contain vitamins C , E, riboflavin, niacin and folate in large quantities (they play a key role in the metabolism: they contribute to the release of energy contained in proteins, fats and carbohydrates). In addition, blueberry berries contain ellagic acid, one of the most effective anti-carcinogenic elements. It has already been confirmed by numerous studies that ellagic acid prevents the formation of tumors and the high potential for protecting genetic material from damage. Moreover - to some extent the substances contained in blueberry berries help to reduce the probability of occurrence and severity of allergies.

Blueberry against aging

Many researchers agree with the general conclusion that regular use of blueberries can reverse some age characteristics (for example, loss of memory and deterioration of motor skills).

Blueberries are a wonderful anti-inflammatory drug. It increases the number of compounds called heat shock proteins (with age, their amount in the body decreases, so older people are more susceptible to colds and infections than healthy young people).

Blueberries for weight loss

As mentioned above, these berries help to seriously reduce the number of fat cells in the body. Experts from the US, investigating the beneficial properties of blueberry for weight loss, believe that it can make fats and sugar safe in our diet. These findings were presented by specialists at the Convention of Experimental Biology in New Orleans after performing a series of tests on obese rats. A group of rats fed blueberries in the diet were significantly more alert than the control group, steadily lost weight, and also showed stabilization of blood sugar level and lowering of cholesterol level. During the tests, blueberry berries powdered into powder were used. The ration of rats contained only two percent of the concentrated drug.

Contraindications of blueberries

Both berries and blueberry leaves are considered safe and do not have documented incompatibility with medicines. However, there are also contraindications: blueberry berries can increase the dilution of blood and reduce the activity of platelets. Pregnancy, lactation and diabetes are also an occasion to consult a doctor before taking blueberry leaves, because they are known to lower the glucose level in the blood. People who are preparing for surgery or other surgical intervention should stop taking berries or blueberry leaves two weeks before day X.