What should I do if I overeat?

Many faced the situation when after a feast stomach pain, nausea and other unpleasant symptoms are felt. This all indicates overeating. A similar situation occurs in other cases, for example, many are seized by stress or simply absorb food in front of the TV, without monitoring the amount of food eaten. In this case, it will be useful to understand what to do if overeaten, so as not to get well and get rid of discomfort. There are several tips that will help you cope with unpleasant sensations and avoid negative consequences.

What if I overeat?

If a person is at a party and feels that he has eaten, then you do not need to sit down and rest, but rather move. If possible, then dance, participate in contests or walk down the street. This is all a cardio-load, which will help to squander the calories eaten. Fresh air and movement contribute to the acceleration of metabolism . Going for a walk, be sure to breathe deeply and try to make at least small slopes. Thanks to this food will be digested faster.

What to do if overeaten at night:

  1. When unpleasant symptoms appear, it is recommended to drink ginger tea, which promotes digestion, improves metabolism, removes feeling of heaviness and prevents the formation of gases. To make a drink, grind a root the size of a nail, fill with boiling water and add a slice of lemon.
  2. It is recommended to chew the cud, because during this saliva is produced, containing enzymes, which will contribute to the rapid splitting of food.
  3. Another tip regarding what to do if overeaten a sweet or other food is to take special medications. To reduce the negative consequences, you can drink funds that are sold in pharmacies without a prescription: Mezim, Pancreatin, Gastal, etc.

Many people know that it is impossible to overeat, but sometimes you can not control yourself and the amount of food you eat rises. In this case, you need to know how to act properly on the morning of the next day. A common mistake is starvation, because this will only exacerbate the situation. The morning of the next day, you need to cleanse the body. It is best to prepare lemonade, mixing 1 tbsp. water with the juice of one lemon. In the morning, you need to eat a small portion of oatmeal or buckwheat porridge, adding fiber. Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day.