Nettle for the face

Recently, more and more women began to pay increased attention to all sorts of folk methods of caring for themselves, time-tested. Such methods, when properly applied, are very effective and allow you to easily get rid of various skin problems, as well as significantly prolong its youth.

One of the most effective means in skin care is the most common nettle , which is often afraid to use because of its burning properties. In fact, nettle for the face is completely safe, you just need to use it not in its pure form, but prepare a decoction or infusion, and also strictly observe the recommended dosages.

What is useful for nettles for the face?

The most unique properties of nettle is the ability to very carefully clean the skin of dirt, exfoliate the top layer of dead cells, clean out the pores and, at the same time, do not overdry or tighten the skin. This makes nettle an indispensable means of care, as with oily skin with blocked pores, and with dry skin with a lot of peeling.

Among other things, the nettle does an excellent job of all kinds of inflammations, which are prone to oily and combination skin, as well as micro-scratches and abrasions that can occur on the skin after hygienic mechanical cleaning and various peelings.

The use of nettle for the face is also justified in the presence of the first age-related changes in the skin, as it has an easy lifting effect and, if used regularly, can save small wrinkles and even slightly tighten the face oval.

In what form is nettle used for facial skin?

In order not to provoke the onset of a skin burn, you should never use nettles in their pure form - in fresh or dry form. It is best to prepare a decoction or infusion from it, then wipe the face instead of an ordinary tonic, make warm compresses, dip a terry towel into a similar infusion, or dilute clay and mud masks on it.

Among the various folk methods of caring for yourself, you can find a prescription mask from the nettle for the face, but you can not do it in any case, because you can get a very strong skin irritation or even a burn.

How to prepare a decoction of nettle for the face?

To prepare a decoction of nettles to be used in facial care, it is best to take fresh leaves, but in the cold season you can use the usual dried nettle, which is sold in each pharmacy.

To make about half a liter of broth, you need a large bunch of fresh nettles (about the size of a palm) and 0.5 cup of dried nettle, which is simply added to boiling water in a water bath, cover and leave to cook for at least 40-50 minutes . Then the broth should be cooled and used in skin care.

Cold infusion of nettle for the face

The ratio of grass and water for the preparation of cold nettle infusion for the face is the same. In order to make the infusion, you need to fill the nettles in freshly boiled water in a glass container, cover tightly with any non-metallic lid and leave to infuse in a dark place for the night. In the morning, the infusion can be used to care for the face.

Store both a decoction and infusion of nettle in the refrigerator for no more than 3-4 days. To improve the toning properties of this decoction should be used in a cold form, and when preparing compresses and masks, a decoction of nettles should be warmed up to body temperature.

Use nettles for the face you need courses, for 3-4 weeks with a break of 2-3 weeks. In very cold frosty weather, it is not necessary to use nettles in skin care, as this can lead to the appearance of excessive dryness of the skin.