Acne on the forehead - how to get rid?

How to remove acne on the forehead? Perhaps, this question was asked to herself at least once by each girl, looking in the mirror at her reflection. And, taking the foundation and lowering the bangs, tried to hide them from the public view. However, the correct approach to getting rid of acne is a little different: identify the causes, undergo cosmetic procedures, choose the right means for skin care.

Acne on the forehead - treatment

So, the most important step in countering pimples on the forehead is to determine the cause of their rash. In fact, it can be not only improper hygiene of the face and care for it, but also abnormalities in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, dysbiosis, abuse of fried, sweet and flour.

Evaluate your diet and to begin with make it more diverse, healthy, saturated with vitamins. How to cure acne on the forehead after this step? Be sure to consult a dermatologist and a cosmetologist.

The doctor will diagnose if acne is some other skin disease, and help pick up saturated with the necessary vitamins drugs. In addition, if you are concerned with festering pimples on the forehead, treatment may include special ointments.

Then go to the beautician. It is better to choose a good specialist or a proven salon. An experienced cosmetologist will advise the necessary procedures to remove acne on the forehead, and also help to select the means for further care taking into account the features of your face.

Subcutaneous and small pimples on the forehead can arise just as a result of improper care. In no case should you squeeze out small pimples, as microbes, getting into neighboring pores, will only increase the number of pimples on the forehead.

Acne on the forehead - how to get rid of them forever?

In addition to medicines and cosmetic procedures, you can connect folk medicine to get rid of acne as quickly as possible:

  1. Every morning, wipe your forehead and face with an ice cube made from the herbal extract of chamomile, marigold, mint.
  2. Instead of tonic, use infusions of horsetail and linden. These herbs are poured with boiling water and insist for about 15 minutes, then wiped with a swab of the forehead area.
  3. Use lotion for your forehead from decoction of chamomile , you can add sage. Two teaspoons insist in a glass of boiling water.
  4. Once a week, you can make masks based on honey or clay .

In addition, do not forget about the general rules of personal hygiene:

  1. Do not touch the forehead area often.
  2. Do not wash too often, so you remove the natural protective film of the skin.
  3. Replace the towel in the bathroom with disposable paper towels. So you prevent the reproduction of bacteria and getting them on your skin after washing.