Tongue twisters for speech development

To all of us from childhood we know funny jocular tongue twisters about Sasha and the highway, or Karla and Clara. But not always becoming adults, we understand that such speech exercises are absolutely necessary for all children from the age when they begin to talk coherently.

Tongues for the development of children's speech are necessary not only for those kids who do not pronounce certain sounds, but also for those who want to talk beautifully and distinctly. Most children by the age of five or six have different problems with speech and are forced to attend classes with a speech therapist. To prevent this, parents need to start learning patter with babies as early as possible and then, at school age, the child will not have problems with diction, and accordingly, with studies.

It is believed that tongue twisters are necessary for children during their learning colloquial speech. But this is far from the case. All those adults who are engaged in lecturing - television and radio announcers, speakers who speak to a large audience, teachers of schools and higher education institutions, singers and poets - all of them regularly pronounce tongue twisters to make their speech sound clean, beautiful, without failures. All known frames from the movie "Carnival" to prove this - if you want to be able to talk beautifully, you need to regularly make efforts for this.

Both for adults and children there are similar rules - first the text of the tongue twister is read "about yourself", then in a whisper, then in a low voice. As soon as it begins to get rhymed words to pronounce without hesitation, you can safely start reciting loudly, gradually increasing the tempo.

For those who have certain difficulties with the pronunciation of a specific sound, there are special tongue twisters, with an emphasis on this problem. This is mostly sibilant (hard and soft), voiceless consonants and growling sounds. In addition, all of us familiar Russian tongue twisters, which are folk folklore, there are Armenian, Japanese, Chinese, Italian and many others translated into our language. The choice of tongue twisters is huge, it is necessary to take a few favorite ones from it, and every day - preferably in the morning, give this lesson for at least 10 minutes.

Russian children's tongue twisters for speech development

Begin work with tongue twisters from the shortest and easiest in pronunciation. Kids are enthusiastic about this idea, because most of them are funny, funny and rhythmic rhymes, which are remembered quickly and allow you to have fun. At the first attempts at children, and also at adults, it is impossible to pronounce words correctly, and it is perceived by them as a game in which they play with pleasure, not knowing that this training.

For the first time learning a tongue twister with a child, the words should be spoken very slowly, clearly and distinctly, suggesting that the child repeat the same at the same rate. As soon as he gets "perfectly" in this rhythm, he needs to speed up a bit, achieving a clear pronunciation in this way. The top of perfection will be a rapid rhythmic reading of the patter. It is not achieved in one day, and not even in a week, but only a persistent repetition from day to day, will give the desired result.

Here are such simple short tongue twisters for the development of speech can be pronounced with children:

Greek rode across the river.

Sees the Greek in the river cancer.

He thrust his hand into the river,

Cancer by the hand of the Greek - a prong!


The otter ducked into the otter bucket.

The otter in the bucket with water drowned.


Carl from Clara stole corals,

Clara at Karl stole the clarinet.


Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass

Do not cut firewood on the grass of the yard.


The ships maneuvered, maneuvered and did not get out.


Tongues for problematic hissing sounds:

Four turtles have four tortoises.


Four black dirty little imps

They drew a drawing in black ink.


At the edge of the hut

Old ladies-talkers live.

Every old woman has a basket,

In each cat cat,

Cats in the shells

Sew the old ladies boots.


Sasha was walking along the highway

And sucked drying.


A clever magpie to catch the trouble,

Forty-forty to forty-four.

Complex tongue twisters for speech development

The older the child becomes, the more complex tongue twisters must appear in his vocabulary. From simple they differ as the size of the text, which is not so easy to remember, like a small patter, and the complexity of the verse itself. In it, letters are combined in a certain way, difficult to pronounce, especially to train the articulatory apparatus, using weak muscles.

Gradually, under the influence of complex combinations of sounds, the muscles come to tone and remember certain rhythmic movements.

No apricot, coconut, radish.

Halibut, vinegar, kvass and rice,

There is no compass, a longboat and a cable,

Thermos, press, Hindu-sailor,

There is no bass, taste, weight and demand,

There is no interest - there is no question.


If you did not live near the bramble,

But if you lived near the strawberries,

That means strawberry jam to you familiar

And not the usual jam jam

If you lived near a bramble,

That means the blackberry jam is familiar to you,

And an unusual strawberry jam.

But if you lived near the bramble

And if you lived near the strawberries,

And if you have not regretted the time for the forest,

That means, an excellent jam blackberry,

Strawberry jam you ate everyday.