Hawthorn - application

The medicinal history of hawthorn begins with the 16th century: then people still did not fully understand the healing properties of this plant and used it as an astringent. In the 19th century it became known that the hawthorn helps to cleanse the blood, and already in the 20th century the fruits of hawthorn were recognized as curative in diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

The use of hawthorn

It is difficult to underestimate the properties of hawthorn fruits, because they contain important organic acids and flavonoids that are capable of restoring the cardiovascular system of the body: carotene, pectins, ascorbic acid, saponins and starch, as well as B vitamins.

From hawthorn get a substance that improves the functioning of the heart muscles and helps to eliminate the symptoms of atherosclerosis, hypertension and arrhythmia. During the Great Patriotic War, the fruits of this plant were used as a substitute for cardiac drugs when they were in short supply.

The composition of hawthorn fruit helps to cure angina and tachycardia, and preparations based on its extract, improve blood circulation, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, help feed the brain with oxygen and reduce the excitability of the central nervous system.

How to brew hawthorn in hypertension?

Those who suffer from hypertension can be helped by the decoction of hawthorn. But you need to remember that before using any folk remedies you need to get a doctor's approval and make sure that the ingredients are not allergic.

To prepare the broth, take 20 grams of dried fruit per 1 cup of water and boil them for half an hour. Then decoction filter and add water to make up the original volume. Take this drug you need 1 tablespoon. 3 times a day.

How to cook tincture of hawthorn with arrhythmia and neurosis?

This tool will help improve the condition of people with neurosis, heart disease and impaired blood circulation in the cardiac vessels.

For preparation, leaves and flowers of hawthorn are used blood-red. You need to take 3 tablespoons. raw and pour them 3 cups of boiling water. Then insist them for half an hour and strain. Take the drug you need 3 times a day for 5 tablespoons.

There is also a recipe for alcohol tincture of hawthorn: you need to take 2 tablespoons. fruits of a plant, to fall asleep in a glass, filled up to half of 40% with alcohol and densely to close it. On the steam bath, warm the mixture a little, so that the fruits and alcohol react. Then let it brew for 1 hour and take 1 tsp. 3 times a day.

This homemade tincture of hawthorn tones well the vessels, but with increased sensitivity and nervous excitability, it is better to avoid drinking alcoholic tinctures.

Also it must be remembered that with spasms of vessels, tincture with hawthorn flowers is much more effective than with fruits.

Hawthorn extract

This is a medical product, which is available in two forms: tincture and tablets. This agent of plant origin is prescribed for arrhythmias, atherosclerosis and vasospasm. It improves cerebral and coronary circulation due to the fact that it dilates the vessels.

Also, this drug has a weak sedative and diuretic effect, and we can say that it is a tonic for the entire cardiovascular system. In astheno-neurotic syndrome, hawthorn extract is prescribed as maintenance therapy, but, being a herbal preparation, it can not cure acute conditions.

Children are not prescribed this drug, as are pregnant women in the first trimester.

Application of fresh hawthorn: juice and pie filling

For medicinal purposes it is recommended to eat 1 tbsp. per day fresh fruits of this plant. It is also known that the fruit pulp, mixed with honey, is a delicious filling for pies.

Juice from hawthorn is not only useful, but also delicious: for cooking you need to wash the fruits and let them through the meat grinder, and then the resulting pulp to cook in the juice cooker. This juice - a wonderful preparation of the body for the winter, because the fruits are rich in vitamin C and ripen in September-October, just in time for the spread of viral infections.