Cherry plum sauce

From a plum you can make a delicious sauce, the recipe of which came to us from the Georgian cuisine. For him, take plum of any varieties, both red and yellow, and sometimes use unripened fruit. The obligatory ingredients of this sauce are garlic, spicy greens and marshmallow "Ombalo", which is believed to prevent the process of fermentation of cherry plum. In its absence, you can certainly take and ordinary mint, but the taste of the finished sauce will be slightly different.

A plum sauce is excellent for meat, fish, as well as for pasta and dumplings.

How correctly to make the sauce from cherry plums read below in our recipes.

Tkemali sauce made of red plum



Alycha is washed, poured into a pan, poured with water and cook until softened.

Then we grind it through a colander, throw out bones and skins. To the resulting cherry tomato paste add red bitter pepper, salt and sugar, dill umbrellas, threaded in a bundle, and boil everything on low heat for thirty minutes, stirring. During this time, we clean the garlic and crush it in a blender with greens of cilantro and marsh mint. We shift the resulting mixture into the boiled puree, duck umbrellas and cook for another fifteen minutes. The sauce is ready.

If you decide to prepare such a plum sauce for the winter, it is necessary to pour it over sterile jars or bottles, pour a little vegetable oil on top and close with lids. Keep it better in a cool, dark place.

Green Plum Sauce



The unripened fruits of plum are added to a pan or any other suitable dish, pour in cold water and boil for five to seven minutes. We drain the water, and rub it through a sieve. Bones and skins are discarded, and to the resulting puree we add dry adzhika and crushed garlic and greens in the blender. Pour boiled water, add salt and mix.

This sauce should be consumed within three days, then it will lose its flavor characteristics and deteriorate.

"Tkemali" sauce from cherry plums with nuts



The washed a plum is poured with cold water, so that it completely covers the fruit. Preheat to boil and cook five minutes. The liquid is drained and set aside, it will come in handy later. Alycha is wiped through a sieve, pits and skins are discarded. In the blender bowl, place the peeled garlic, coriander greens, dill and mint, bitter pepper, coriander peas and walnut kernels. We grind everything into a gruel, combine it with a cherry puree, add salt, sugar and slightly dilute the liquid remaining after the plum is cooked. Density of the sauce should be similar to the consistency of sour cream. We put the dishes with sauce on the stove, warm it to a boil and boil for ten minutes, stirring constantly. Ready cooled sauce from cherry plums is stored in the refrigerator, previously bottled in jars or bottles.