Mantras of Wealth

Mantra in translation from Sanskrit means a spell or instruction. Hence, many modern "gurus" draw conclusions about the miraculous effects of mantras. That is why there is a lot of advice on the repetition of certain Sanskrit words to get this or that result. Mantras of healing , wealth and money, prosperity, and mantra of absolute success are especially popular. In fact, these combinations of sounds either do not have any relation to real mantras or they contain requests not for wealth and prosperity but for ordinary appeals to the Gods. But, despite this, the mantra of wealth and success can still work simply because thousands of people have believed in them, thus creating their egregor, turning to which one can receive some earthly blessings.

Mantra of absolute success




KalehKaleh (name)


PartsaPartsaAbadayyaMuchay (name)

Marsham Narayaj Soxha

OmBura Bupa

JwalahJwalah Jwvali





Talay TalayjvalahSaha

Read this mantra every morning, focusing on your desire. The result should be success everywhere and in everything - your desires begin to come true, people begin to treat you with great disposition and friendliness, all circumstances are formed in the most successful way for you.

Mantra to the Goddess of the Moon

Among the mantras of wealth, one rite is singled out, aimed at getting rid of the bad energies that hinder the attainment of goals. It is believed that all female energy is manifested through the moon. But there are two opposite energies - the maternal and the demonic, in the presence of the last misfortune and failure in the body (things surrounding the person), will follow on the heels. You can correct the situation only by expelling this negative energy. To do this, during the full moon, you need to go out into the street, while the legs should be on the ground, and the hands should be stretched forward palms upward (towards the moon). Pronounce the mantra within 12 minutes: Aum Shri GayaAudi Chandra Ayaya Naamah. By the end of the 12th minute, a feeling of buzzing should appear in the body. So you need to repeat 12 full moons in a row, and on the thirteenth the flow of happy events must fall on you, you will be lucky, the health will also improve. To skip reading this monetary mantra is impossible, although it will be very much wanted, perhaps the occurrence of nightmarish dreams. This is explained by the reluctance of demonic energy to leave the body.

Mantras of Wealth

There are many such mantras, choose the one that best suits your current goal.

  1. MangalamDishtuMeMaheshvari. Repeat it every day for 108 times, as a result, you must be blessed with wealth.
  2. KungRonAoManiloTaVong. The application of this mantra promises an early arrival of money. Repeat it once a week, starting on the full moon day, for 3 months. On the day when you read the mantra you need to fast and reflect on the good deeds that you will do when you receive money.
  3. GaiaAdiChandra. Reads in the nights and days of the moon, that is, on Monday and on the night from Thursday to Friday. The result is a quick acquisition of material goods.
  4. OmGamGapanatye Namakha. Reading this mantra will bring success in business and prosperity. It is read every day for 108 times.
  5. Dzayan DzyachiKochKochento. This mantra (also called the mantra of Jupiter) is responsible for the growth of prosperity and friendship with influential people. Read it on Thursday (the day of Jupiter) at sunrise, meditating on a deep shade of blue (as it corresponds to the planet Jupiter).
  6. OmLakshmiVigan ShriKamaladhariganSwap. This money mantra needs repeat 20,000 times in the period from April 13 to May 14. After reading it, your desires aimed at improving your financial situation will be fulfilled, you will gain wealth.
  7. OmHrimKshim Shrim Sri Lakshmi NrisinhaeeNamah. It is necessary to chant the mantra daily, it will help to find wealth by the righteous path.

When reading mantras you need to observe the conditions for their repetition. In cyclical mantras, if you missed a day, you need to start all over again. Mantras designed for daily recurrence, can not be read from time to time, with an occasional exposure, the effect will be negligible.