Spiral after birth

After giving birth, the young mother has a lot of worries, and contraception issues are taking second place. Moreover, even after natural birth without complications, sexual life can begin not earlier than in 6-8 weeks. However, remember the choice of the method of protection is still worth it. Especially if the mother feeds the baby with the breast, and hormonal tablets can not be used for medical reasons, and barrier methods, for whatever reasons, do not fit her. After all, the natural menstrual cycle can be restored within a few months after childbirth, and the next pregnancy, according to WHO recommendations, is better planned no earlier than in three years. Among the methods of prevention that are allowed for young mothers is the intrauterine device.

Benefits of installing an IUD after delivery:

Disadvantages of installing an intrauterine device after delivery:

Contraindications to the installation of the spiral after childbirth and possible complications:

When to put the spiral after childbirth?

So, you weighed all the advantages and disadvantages of this method of family planning and protection from unwanted pregnancy, and decided to put an intrauterine device after the birth of the child. There are two options - the installation of a spiral immediately after birth, within 48 hours, or after the termination of postpartum excretions, that is, two months after the birth of the baby.

If you want to immediately put the spiral after birth, you need to agree on this with your doctor and get the recommended spiral in the pharmacy. If the birth will pass without complications, the doctor during the next examination in the hospital will put a spiral, and you will be reliably protected from a new pregnancy. If you thought about the methods of protection only before the resumption of sexual activity after childbirth, it is necessary to visit a doctor, take a smear, perhaps make ultrasound of the pelvic organs to eliminate diseases and pathologies. After this, if the doctor finds it possible, put a spiral. After installing the spiral, you must visit your doctor every six months to check your gynecological health and to inspect the location of the spiral.

An intrauterine device after birth can become a reliable way for a mother to have a contraceptive if she correctly evaluates all the features of this method and will consult with a doctor before installing.