Who changes more often: men or women?

Already quite a long time there was a stable opinion that men are far more traitors than women. But the stereotypes that have developed in society are often quite far from the real state of affairs. So who is more likely to change: men or women? What does science say about stereotypes?

Who changes more: men or women?

Sociological studies say that women change their partners more often than men. It probably sounds amazing, but you can not argue with the facts. If we talk about how many percent of men change wives, then the approximate figures are 34%. But women who change their husbands, on sociological issues more - 40%.

Also interesting are the so-called age limits of treason . Men usually change at the age of 20-25 years, this age is the peak of sexual activity. But women go on betrayal at the age of 30-35 years, when they become tired of the monotony of family life and there is a desire for novelty.

With how often men and women change everything is clear. But surprisingly, despite the fact that women change more often, men are much more likely to think about sex . For the day, the fair sex representatives think about sex about 2-3 times, but the men remember about it about once 10 per day. But about 30% of women want sex with their own sex. And only 14% of men at one time attracted a homosexual relationship.

In general, statistics - a very controversial thing. It is difficult to say how many men change, how many women change, because all people are different, and dry statistics are just figures. But, nevertheless, the facts remain facts. And, as it is not strange, women betray husbands much more often, although men are considered to be far more amateurs "to go to the left."