How to stop old age?

In childhood and adolescence, everyone dreams of growing up. But over the years we start to hide our age, feel embarrassed about it, and every subsequent birthday brings less and less joy. This is especially true of women who, in addition to the negative impact on health, feel acutely aging in terms of appearance.

How to keep the body young?

Age inevitably affects the state of the human body and the work of internal organs. In youth, few people think about the future consequences of the actions, so past injuries, improper diet and daily routine, bad habits make themselves felt about 40-45 years. Of course, nothing can be corrected, but it is possible to improve the current situation and prevent the progression of acquired diseases.

To maintain health at the proper level, you need to follow some tips:

  1. Regularly undergo a preventive medical examination.
  2. Prevent exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  3. Protect joints.
  4. Reduce alcohol consumption, quit smoking.
  5. Revise the diet, give preference to healthy foods.
  6. Take vitamins from time to time.
  7. Sleep enough hours.
  8. Avoid nerve congestion, stress.
  9. Constantly engage in intellectual work to create new and strengthen existing neural connections in the brain.
  10. Do exercise or exercise in the gym at least 2 times a week.

Youth of the face and body

The appearance of the first wrinkles is always associated with discontent and despondency, but time does not stop and they will appear in the future. It is easy to understand that a woman remains beautiful at any age, and maturity has numerous advantages.

In addition, you need to make efforts to maintain muscle tone and maintain the elasticity of the skin:

  1. About 10-15 minutes a day, give exercise to the press , hands and feet.
  2. Reduce the intake of carbohydrates, sugar and cholesterol.
  3. Do breathing exercises to saturate cells with oxygen.
  4. Carry out cosmetic procedures to increase skin turgor, do not forget about its hydration and nutrition.
  5. Do body and face massage.
  6. Use quality, better organic cosmetics, both for skin care, and for decorative purposes. Particular attention should be paid to the hands, lips and eyelids, as well as the decollete zone.
  7. To monitor the condition of the hair, apply vitamin and firming masks.
  8. Take specially designed complexes of vitamins for the skin or periodically consume fish oil, oil capsules with vitamins A and E.
  9. Perform exercises for the neck (from the second chin) in parallel with self-massage (tapping, stroking).
  10. Care for your teeth.

As a rule, the age imposes a greater imprint on women, because at the end of the menopause, the production of sex hormones, responsible for skin elasticity and production in its collagen cells, ceases. This affects not only the appearance, but also the density of bones, the work of joints. Therefore, it is it is important for the fair sex to increase the amount of calcium, magnesium and iron in the diet after 45-50 years. In addition, it is necessary to monitor the state of the endocrine system, consume enough iodine.

The main secret of eternal youth

Each person, in fact, never changes. Of course, a certain imprint of past years, acquired life experience, and the transferred difficulties and experiences are superimposed on him. But the main factor is self-awareness and personal attitude, therefore, while you feel yourself for 16 years, you will always be young.