Vascular drugs for the brain of a new generation

The normal functioning of the brain is largely determined by the state of the blood vessels, through which oxygen and nutrients are delivered to its cells. Prolonged insufficient supply of oxygen and nutrients causes hypoxia, which provokes the death of nerve cells and malfunctions of the brain, and the sudden cessation of blood flow to the brain tissue leads to a stroke.

In order to compensate for insufficient circulation and improve it, to prevent the development of complications, complex treatment is prescribed, including the use of so-called vascular drugs. Such drugs have a positive effect on the state of the vessels feeding the brain, on the bloodstream in them, contribute to the improvement of metabolic processes in the brain tissues.

New vascular drugs in neurology

Vascular drugs for the brain have been used in neurology for a long time, and today the pharmaceutical market has both first-generation drugs and new modern developments characterized by a more selective and safe action. Let's consider some names of vascular preparations for a brain of new generation which are often recommended by experts:

  1. Nimodipine is a drug from the group of calcium channel blockers that exerts a vasodilating effect primarily on the cerebral vessels. The medication is able to stop vasospasm, increase blood flow to the ischemic tissues of the brain, while hardly affecting the arterial pressure and contractility of the heart muscle.
  2. Vinpocetine is a plant-based agent (contains a substance obtained from a small periwinkle plant), which improves blood circulation and metabolism of brain cells, and also reduces blood viscosity. Against the background of taking this drug, attention is increased, memory is improved, headaches are eliminated.
  3. Nicergoline - a drug based on ergot alkaloids, which has spasmolytic activity, mainly in relation to the vessels of the brain and peripheral vessels. Can be prescribed to improve blood flow in vessels affected by atherosclerosis or thrombosis, with migraines.
  4. Tanakan is a remedy obtained from the ginkgo biloba plant, which effectively increases vascular tone, improves metabolic processes in the brain tissues, normalizes the rheological properties of the blood. Often appointed to improve cognitive abilities, with memory impairments , sleep disorders.