What hormone is responsible for libido in women?

To understand this question, it is necessary to find out which hormones that affect a woman's libido are present in her body.

What determines the sexual desire?

It's no secret that for his appearance there is not one desire. To reduce the libido leads to a number of factors that, at times, attention is not drawn:

  1. Chronic fatigue: workload at work and a huge circle of duties at home, when a woman has to turn, like a squirrel in a wheel.
  2. Stress and depression. If a woman is constantly, or at least a very long time living in this state, the level of sexual desire will gradually decline, as he is suppressed by fears and experiences.
  3. Chronic diseases also lead to a decrease in libido, as well as hormonal disruptions caused by various causes.

As for the hormones responsible for sexual attraction, they really are, so it's not uninteresting to find out which hormone is responsible for the libido in women.

What hormone is responsible for libido in women?

Perhaps the most important "engines" responsible for sexual attraction are estrogens , female sex hormones, among which the leading place is occupied by estradiol. It is his presence in sufficient quantity leads to sexual activity, causes a storm of positive emotions. The lack of estradiol leads to loss of interest in the partner, irritation and depressive conditions. However, this is not the only hormone that helps maintain sexual desire. No less important is progesterone, a hormone responsible for libido in women. It directly regulates the menstrual cycle, and if the concentration of the hormone exceeds the required level, there comes a decrease in desire and apathy. It should be noted that the level of sexual activity may vary, depending on the day of the cycle.

Strange as it may seem, but in increasing the desire, a certain role is played by male hormones, which increase the libido of women, which are also present in the female body, in particular, testosterone. If it is not enough in the female body, the sexual attraction will be reduced. The ovaries, adrenal glands, and the pituitary gland are involved in the production of sex hormones.