Hysteroid type of personality

The curious fact envelops this type of personality . It turns out that before the beginning of the twentieth century, the hysteroid type of personality and hysteria itself were exclusively the property of a female character, or rather, it was believed, because of the literal translation of hysteria.

The ancient Greeks are famous doctors of antiquity. They believed that all female diseases are due to inflammation of the uterus. In their opinion, the inflamed uterus wanders around the body, causing sharp and loud laughter, screaming, sudden tears, demonstrativeness and borderline behavior. From the Greek "hysteria" it is translated as a queen.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, Freud admitted that in his character there are certain features of a hysteroid type. Then the world realized that the "inflamed womb" may be in men.


The asteroids live their "performances." Sometimes, they realize that such behavior simply prevents one from living normally, but, as the saying goes, "neither to live together, nor separately is impossible." The asteroids are actors, and the entire surrounding world is the audience. What is most important for an actor? Confession. So, the main feature of hysteroid type psychopathy is the unbridled desire to get someone's approval, and everything makes an hysteroid for this purpose .

Destruction of enemies

As soon as the hysteroid sees a competitor in the company claiming his fame, he tries to destroy him, but it can only be done at the level of communication. Here begins the humiliation, ridicule, interruption. The isteroid shows complete disregard for the competitor's opinion and, of course, awaits approval of the public.

This is most typical for women's companies, when the hysteroid type is manifested in two rivals fighting for one male.

Strong friendship

The asteroids are actors. Hence, their lives should be similar to life on the other side of the screen. The theme of strong, faithful friendship is very common in the cinema. And the hysteroid tries to tie it.

Here you can draw parallels with the hysteroid type of personality in men. After all, a strong half of humanity is much more inclined to a real "male friendship", sit-downs on football with beer and heartfelt talk. In such situations, the hysteroid manifests itself by saying that its "friend" is an object for manipulation and achieving its goals.

That is, choosing a friend, the hysteroid begins to think about what it will be from this. But friendship does not go well, because the people around feel that they are being used, especially when they are asked "how are you?" And instead begin to talk about their own news and collisions.