HPV in women - treatment

The virus of the papilloma can live in the body of every person. HPV can develop in both male and female body, but still the fair sex suffer more often. Any type of HPV detected in a woman requires treatment. Because there are several dozens of varieties of the virus, many methods of treatment have also been developed. The treatment of the most common types of HPV is described in the article.

The scheme of HPV treatment in women

Before the beginning of treatment it is necessary to find out what type of virus the organism is infected with. Conventionally, all types of HPV are divided into two groups and are dangerous and not dangerous. The latter can be in the body for a long time, while not delivering any problems. HPV of a dangerous group are capable of causing cancer. And due to the fact that many viruses develop asymptomatically, the diseases provoked by them are revealed in the late stages. That is why, in order for the treatment of HPV in women to start on time, it is recommended that the gynecologist check regularly.

Treatment scheme is chosen depending on the type of virus. But in most cases, a very great emphasis is placed on restoring the immunity of an infected person. The fact is that many people become carriers of the virus. But thanks to a good immune system in the body of most of them, HPV does not develop.

It must be acknowledged: while it is not always possible to completely cure the HPV virus in women. But in most cases it is possible to "put him to sleep." Of course, after finding a HPV to visit a gynecologist and do all the necessary tests will be mandatory. This applies to women infected with the virus, and its carriers.

Methods and drugs for HPV treatment in women

All types of HPV, getting into the body, change the structure of the tissue and mucous membrane. Therefore, the treatment should consist in the removal of the cells modified by the virus. There are many methods of treatment. The most appropriate one is selected depending on the health status and the changes introduced by the virus:

  1. Most often, HPV is removed electrosurgical or laser method. The affected areas are burned out. This is certainly a radical but effective treatment. What is true, these methods have their drawbacks: wounds after laser treatment sometimes heal for a long time, and particles of the virus during the procedure fall with steam into the air and can infect physicians.
  2. Sometimes HPV treatment in women (including 16, 18 and other dangerous types) is carried out by liquid nitrogen. The affected tissues are frozen, after which they are removed.
  3. Condylomas and warts disappear after radio wave treatment.
  4. Sometimes enough of a medicinal method. In this case, different creams, gels and ointments are used to fight HPV.

Particular attention is required by dangerous, capable of causing oncology, viruses. Treatment of them must be combined. That is, the fight must be waged not only with the virus, but also with the disease that it provoked:

  1. In the treatment of HPV 16 and 18 types in women first removed papillomas formed, after which a medication therapy. If treatment is started in the early stages, the main task is to prevent the virus from developing.
  2. For the treatment of HPV 31, women use special drugs, such as Poludan, Cycloferon, Reaferon. They help to reduce the appearance of genital warts. The basis of the same treatment is the strengthening of the body's immune system. Strong immunity can suppress the virus by itself.
  3. During the treatment of type 51 HPV, a surgical or chemical method for the removal of genital warts is used in women.

In fact, you can avoid infection with dangerous types of viruses by making a special inoculation.