Heart attack - symptoms, first signs

Due to the long and severe ischemia of the heart muscle, irreversible pathological changes occur in its cells. They lead to disturbances in metabolic processes, as a result of which normal contractile tissue dies and is replaced by a connective tissue. So the heart attack occurs - the symptoms and the first signs of the approach of this dangerous state are important to recognize early on in order to be in time to provide the necessary help, to avoid a lethal outcome.

When and how do the first signs and specific symptoms of myocardial infarction appear in women?

Up to 50 years in the female body produces a large number of estrogens, which contribute to the periodic expansion of coronary vessels. For this reason, men suffer from a heart attack 2 times more often than representatives of the beautiful half of humanity.

After the menopause, the statistics change dramatically, and more women turn to heart attacks. Therefore, at the age of 45-50 years, it is important for them to pay attention to the slightest changes in health.

Conditionally, it is possible to divide all clinical manifestations of pathology into 2 categories - distant and near. In the first case, the detection of characteristic symptoms helps prevent an attack, in the second - to avoid complications and even save lives.

The long-term signs of a heart attack include:

The appearance of even a small number of symptoms from this list should be the reason for an immediate appeal to the cardiologist.

The near symptoms and the first signs of a large heart attack include a drop in pressure relative to the average individual indices of a woman. In addition, the following clinical manifestations of pathology are observed:

This symptom indicates an imminent approach of an attack, which can happen within a few hours or days.

First aid in detecting symptoms and the very first signs of a heart attack

Noticing the specific clinical manifestations of a large heart attack, you need to first call a team of doctors, immediately explain the situation to them.

Before the arrival of doctors, it is possible to conduct such activities:

  1. Lay the woman on the surface with a slight uplift of the upper torso.
  2. Unbutton tight clothes, open the window, thereby ensuring the influx of fresh air.
  3. Give 1 tablet of Aspirin and Nitroglycerin.
  4. In agreement with specialists, you can also give 1 tablet of Analgin.
  5. Stop panic by means of soft sedatives - tincture of valerian, Valocardinum.

All the time you need to monitor breathing, pressure and heart activity. When cardiac arrest, carry out emergency resuscitation:

  1. Short strong impact in the sternum.
  2. Indirect massage of the heart.
  3. Artificial respiration by mouth-to-nose or mouth-to-mouth.

These manipulations are effective only in the first seconds after the incident.

The first signs and characteristic symptoms of myocardial infarction on the ECG

Confirm the diagnosis, find out the type of attack and prescribe the appropriate treatment only after careful diagnostics by means of electrocardiography.

The figure shows that the characteristic features of ECG in acute and extensive heart attacks are: