Who are the hetaera in Greek mythology and in the modern world?

In different historical times, women lived in the world, who stood out among others for their mental abilities and knowledge of relationships with men. In Japan, they are called geishas, ​​and in ancient Greece used the term - hetaera.

Who are the hetaera?

Representatives of the fair sex who led a free way of life and became mistresses for many men were called heters. Initially, this concept was applied only to the side of slaves, and then, he switched to free women. Goethera became an honorable profession. For the first time the term began to be used in ancient Greece, and then, it moved to other territories. To better understand who these hetaera are, consider a few facts about them:

  1. Often, such women played an important role in the public life of the city, because they had a good education, talent and intelligence.
  2. Courtesans could influence the fate of people, for which they conducted some "evenings", where noble people of different professions gathered.
  3. Finding out who these hetaera are, it is worth noting that such women could marry, but they themselves in most cases preferred to remain unmarried.
  4. Courtesans had rich patrons who completely provided them with everything necessary, but it is worth noting that the favor of such women is worth a lot.

Who is a hetaera in Greek mythology?

Women, called hetaera, were independent, which gave them the opportunity to engage in self-development, learn and spend time for their own pleasure. Ancient Greek hetaera differed significantly from married ladies who at that time had practically no rights in comparison with their husbands. There were special schools of courtesans, where you could get the necessary knowledge. Finding out who such hetaera are in mythology, it is worth noting the fact that many of these women were not only the muse of poets and artists, but also the savior of entire nations.

How to become a hetaera?

Many mistakenly believe that such women are "night butterflies." Representatives of the fair sex, who are striving to become hetera, must understand that it is necessary to develop in different directions. The thing is that they were not only good in carnal pleasures, but also in communication. Women heteres differed in that they were able to clearly and correctly express and formulate their own thoughts. They not only seduced the stronger sex, but also gave them important advice, and consoled in difficult times.

Heather Secrets

There are several recommendations that should be considered, wishing to learn how to seduce men like hetars.

  1. Courtesans in ancient Greece knew their worth and were not allowed to downplay their dignity. It is important not to confuse this quality with an overestimated self-esteem.
  2. A woman should know about her attractiveness, because each of the fair sex has its own unique zest.
  3. The courtesans of the courtesans were always well-groomed and neat.
  4. A woman should be cheerful and at ease to serve not only as a muse, but also as support for a man.
  5. It is important to be versatile so as not only to listen properly, but also to maintain a conversation .
  6. Finding out who such hetaera are, it is worth noting that such women knew how to hook a man, using compliments. The main thing is to talk about virtues at the right time.
  7. You need to know the differences between sexuality and vulgarity, because there must always be room for imagination.
  8. The Goethe never showed all their skills and knowledge, trying to keep intrigue and be interesting.

Modern hetaera

Although the world is constantly changing, men all the same want to see a woman with them, who will combine several important qualities: to be a good wife and mother of children, to be able to create comfort, maintain intellectual conversations and satisfy in bed. The modern woman of the hetaera is one who possesses female wisdom in order to skillfully combine all these qualities important for the stronger sex. It is necessary to maintain such an image throughout life and not relax, so that a man does not become interested in another.

Famous Hethers

In the days of ancient Greece, many women proudly wore the title of "hetaera", but among them you can identify several famous people.

  1. Archeanassa . This is the main woman in the life of the famous philosopher Plato. For a long time she did not let him to her body, so the relationship in this pair was called "platonic."
  2. Archeanassa

  3. Goethera Thais of Athens . This woman was in love with Alexander the Great, but she was the wife of Pharaoh Ptolemy I Soter.
  4. Thais of Athens

  5. Aspasia . The second wife of Pericles is the head of Athens. She stood out with her beauty and intelligence. Socrates himself often came to the house of Aspasia to listen to her reasoning.
  6. Aspasia

  7. Heter Frina . She was a model by Praxitel, posing for the statue of Aphrodite. For this he was summoned to court, considering that inviting the courtesan as a model, he insulted the deity. To prove the correctness of his choice, Praxitel pulled off his clothes from Frina, so that Areopagus saw her beauty.
  8. Phryne