Bear oil - application

Forest brown predator is a well-known symbol of health, strength and endurance. It's no wonder that bearish fat is so valuable - the use of this product allows you to cope with immune disorders, bronchopulmonary diseases, pathologies of internal organs and cosmetic defects.

Application of bear fat in capsules

To buy a natural remedy in its natural form is rather difficult, and it is inconvenient to store it. Therefore, modern pharmaceutical companies have created capsule formulations containing highly concentrated animal fat.

Medication is recommended for the treatment of such diseases:

Bear oil has found application even in oncology, the main area of ​​its use is the initial stages of lung cancer. The full course of therapy is 7 months, take the drug you need 2 capsules three times a day (before meals). After the first 30 days, you should take a break for a month, and then resume treatment again.

Application of bear fat for cough and colds involves a lower dosage: 1 capsule of the product before breakfast and dinner. Drinking medication is necessary for at least 10 days, until the condition is completely normalized.

Recipes and ways to use bear oil

If you managed to get the drug in its natural form, you can try to make medicines at home. For example, mix in equal proportions the melted bear and chicken fat. These ingredients are recommended to be stored in the freezer and used for internal reception of 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day. A mixture of bird fat and bear fat will help with heart disease, blood vessels, digestive system, inflammation of the middle ear.

Also in folk medicine are very common recipes of all kinds of external medicines. Excellent ointment for rheumatic and arthrosis pains:

  1. In 3 tablespoons of bear's fat, dissolve 15-20 ml of freshly squeezed onion and 2 dessert spoons of lemon juice.
  2. Thoroughly shake the ingredients until the mass noticeably thickens and becomes completely homogeneous.
  3. Lubricate the diseased areas, joints.

External application of bear fat in cosmetology

First of all, the described product is suitable for the care of dry skin of the face, especially in winter. Applying a thin layer to the epidermis of pure bear fat helps to prevent airing, frostbite, peeling and irritation of the skin.

It is worth noting that the fat of the animal perfectly nourishes, softens and moistens even the hardened areas, helps to heal small cracks, for example, on the lips.

Cosmetologists recommend using bear fat as the basis for rejuvenating masks. Such procedures help to smooth out wrinkles, improve the complexion, eliminate puffiness around the eyes.

Moreover, the product is actively used to treat hair. Daily rubbing of bear fat in the roots (before going to sleep) helps make the strands thicker, healthier, allows you to grow long, shiny curls. Regular long-term use of the product with breaks between 7-day courses in 1 week will give you completely renewed, strong hair, relieve dandruff, restore the structure of each follicle.