Simple fortune telling for Christmas

Many people who do not resort to magic in their daily life, still decide to look into the future on Christmas holidays, considering this time the most suitable. There are many different prediction techniques suitable for home use. Simple fortune-telling for Christmas is suitable even for people who have decided to learn about their future for the first time. Thanks to simple rituals you can learn about your narrowing, fulfillment of desire, etc.

Simple ways of guessing for Christmas

  1. With water . You can use this variant of predictions in order to find out the answer to the question, whether the desire will come true, how a certain man relates, etc. For divination, you need to take a regular glass and pour cold water into it. Then for a while, looking into the container, you should ask the question of interest. After that, a glass should be put on the street, if possible, or in the freezer for a whole night. In the morning immediately after awakening, take out the container and see how the water has frozen. If there are holes, then the answer to the question is negative, and if the tubercle is positive. For fortune-telling on the sucked in a glass it is necessary to put an engagement ring and if the water is uneven, then the relationship with the man will be bad, and if it remains flat - everything will be fine.
  2. With a book . This is probably the simplest divination at Christmas, which does not require any additional items except for the book and it is best to choose fiction. Holding the book in your hands, you need to think about your desire or question. To better concentrate, you can close your eyes. After that, it is necessary to submit any figure that first came to mind. Then the book is randomly opened on any page and the line under the number is read. If one sentence does not clarify, then read also the three lines above and below.
  3. With matches . This simple guessing of love for Christmas needs to be spent on a specific person, so you can find out about what kind of relationship there will be or if they are at all. Take from the box two matches and you can sign one name of the man, and the other - his own. After that, set fire to matches and take one at the left and right hand so that matches are not far from each other. If they began to bend toward each other, then the relationship will be happy and long. Matches have unraveled in different directions - this is a sign that the relationship will be complicated and will quickly end. If only one match is bent, then the negative will only come from one person.
  4. On the wax . The most common and yet simple guessing on Christmas night will require imagination. Take a little wax, put in a spoon or any other metal container and melt it on fire. Pour water into the bowl and pour melted wax there. Looking at the resulting figure, you can learn about the events of the future.
  5. Variants of interpretation of some figures:

  • With hair . To conduct this simple divination of love for Christmas, you need two hairs: your own and the object of adoration. Another take a container of water and dissolve in it a pinch of sugar, salt and soot. Mix everything and, when the small particles settle, drop the hair. Leave everything until the next morning, and then you can see what happened. If the hair is woven together, it means that the couple will be formed and the wedding is just around the corner. One hair went to the bottom - it's a bad sign, promising trouble. The hair is in different sides, it means that the relationship will not develop.