Sourdough for yoghurt

It's no secret that natural yogurt has a number of useful properties. It has a beneficial effect on digestion in the intestines, it is a kind of a catalyst for metabolism, which undoubtedly contributes to the normalization of weight. Daily use of yogurt reduces the risk of developing pathogens, preventing various kinds of intestinal diseases, and also increases immunity and vitality.

The most useful yogurt can be prepared at home from quality milk and a special starter. The latter can be found in any pharmacy or specialized store. There are sourdoughs for yogurt and among the broadest assortment of products of large supermarkets.

What kind of milk to choose for yogurt? The main thing is for the product to be of high, proven quality. Homemade and pasteurized milk must be boiled before use, and ultra-pasteurized milk can be used immediately.

How to make homemade yogurt from milk with leaven?

Any starter for yogurt is a set of essential bifido- and lactobacilli, which, when interacting with the dairy environment, develop in it, turning the milk into yogurt. To prevent the growth of pathogenic microorganisms along with beneficial bacteria in the production of yoghurt, it is necessary to ensure the absolute sterility of the dishes used. For the same purpose, it is necessary to pre- boil homemade and ordinary packaged milk.

So how to make a starter for yogurt at home? To create optimal conditions for the work of beneficial bacteria of the starter culture, the milk must be heated or cooled (after boiling) to a temperature in the range of 38 to 42 degrees. In no case is it recommended that this temperature range be exceeded, otherwise bacteria in the leaven will simply perish and the process of making yogurt will be hopelessly spoiled.

So, if the necessary temperature of milk is reached, fill it with the yoghurt starter in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and mix thoroughly with a spoon, cover the container with a lid and thoroughly wrap it with something warm. For the active process of converting milk into yogurt, it is necessary to maintain the initial temperature of the medium. Therefore we wrap the wrapped vessel with the workpiece in a warm place and leave it for eight hours or according to the manufacturer's recommendations of the starter. We take into account that The longer it takes to keep the yoghurt warm, the more sour and thick it becomes, but no longer than two hours than recommended. After that, the dishes with yoghurt should be moved to the refrigerator for short storage and subsequent use for no more than three days.

The third part of the prepared yogurt can be used as a starter for the next portion of the product. At this amount will require three more servings of properly prepared milk. It is recommended to use the yeast for two weeks when stored in the refrigerator.

Homemade yoghurt with leaven - recipe in yogurtnut

The process of cooking homemade yogurt in yogurt is simplified, since this gadget can maintain optimal temperature conditions for obtaining an ideal final result. It is enough only sterile milk, warmed or cooled to a temperature of 38-40 degrees mixed with leaven, pour over the cups of the device and turn it on according to the instructions and recommendations on the packaging of starter and yogurt.