Bird Gamayun in Slavic Mythology

In Russian folklore there are many fairy and mysterious creatures, endowed with certain abilities and are harbingers of future events. Here also the bird Gamayun portrays the chosen individuals for supremacy and happiness, although in some sources it is called a mourning sadness and death.

Who is the bird Gamayun?

The name itself has an Iranian origin and is translated as "blessed", "noble", "royal". The first mention of it in Russian bookishness can be found in the treatises of Kozma Indicoplova, which arose in Russia not later than the 15th century. In them, Gamayun is a bird visiting mythical islands in the eastern sea near the paradise and exuding a wonderful fragrance. Then it was depicted without paws and wings. She flew, using her tail for tacking and never touching the ground, clinging to the branches of the trees with feathers, when she wanted to rest.

Such a delusion has certain origins. The fact is that in the beginning of the 16th century, stuffed birds without paws and wings began to bring to Europe. Traders called them birds of paradise and explained how they fly and live. Later it became known that locals simply cut off body parts and used them as amulets . But the mythical image has already been formed and found its reflection in culture, fine arts and poetry as a symbol of eternal flight and prophecy.

What does the bird Gamayun sing about?

This mythical being knows about everything in the world and is able to tell a lot, it:

  1. Brings power to those over whom she will fly very low, almost touching her wings with her wings.
  2. The bird Gamayun knows how to foresee the future and its outcome.
  3. She can warn of the danger, protect, protect.

It is depicted on many flags and coats of arms as a symbol of rebirth and renewal, happiness and miraculous power. After the appearance of V. Vasnetsov's picture "Gamayun the Bird Waging", which he depicted as a black-winged woman with a gloomily beautiful woman's face, she was given a tragic meaning:

  1. Elegant, but horrified face with gore blood foretells hunger and fire, execution, death.
  2. The gloomy image of a bird-prophet is used in his work by poets. A. Akhmatova gives her sadness and the ability to reduce the traveler from the right path.
  3. V. Vysotsky shows it as giving hope for the awakening of the Motherland from a dream. In the future, artists depict her with a woman's head and chest.

Gamayun Symbol

There is a myth that if you go after the feather of this bird, you can get to the magic country. There are a lot of legends and parables, in which the pen of the bird Gamayun appears. Here is one of them:

Bird Gamayun in Slavic Mythology

This bird is the messenger of the God of Veles. Gamayun in Slavic mythology is:

  1. The Herald of the Gods, prophesying happiness and predicting events to those who are able to hear the secret.
  2. "Wrecked" golden book of the Vedas is a creature who has an idea of ​​everything in the world, so anyone can ask for advice from her.
  3. Conductor to the kingdom of Morpheus. After all, what is a bird Gamayun - a creature that "gamayunit", that is, "lulls". According to legend, it flies from the east and carries with it a deadly storm. At the same time, it reminds humanity of the highest values ​​and sense of being.

How to call the bird Gamayun?

Many people would like to meet this bird, because what is Gamayun is a being that can give advice to a person how to live, tell about the outcome of future events, warn about the danger. This is how the ancient ancestors called it: