When to give Prolactinum?

Prolactin is a kind of hormone that is present in the body of a man and a woman.

This hormone is produced in the cells of the pituitary gland. Has the following actions on the woman's body:

The influence of prolactin on the male organism has not yet been determined with accuracy, except that it contributes to the release of testosterone and the formation of new spermatozoa. In particular, in the male body it is produced regularly, but the purpose of its existence is not known at all. In the female body, prolactin is needed for:

It is worth noting that pregnant women and breast-feeding women do not become pregnant just because of the presence of prolactin. When the baby feeds separately from the mother, then the probability of becoming pregnant again resumes.

When to pass the test for prolactin?

As a rule, delivery of prolactin is fully focused on the cycle of a woman. The best date for the analysis is 2 or 5 day cycle. Some experts believe that it does not matter when to donate blood to prolactin, because in any phase of the cycle it should be within the normal range. However, there are two phases for the analysis - follicular and luteal. The first phase is ideal for testing the presence of sex hormones, as well as for the analysis of FSH and LH. Prolactin is given on day 3 - 5 of the usual cycle. In the second phase, the test for prolactin falls on the 5th - 8th day. In general, the concentration of prolactin does not fluctuate strongly during the entire menstrual cycle, so you do not need to worry about the days.

How to take Prolactin correctly?

In this case, you must follow certain rules two days before the analysis:

It is worth noting that the increase in the hormone occurs in the morning, in the period from 5 to 7 am. Therefore, before you take Prolactinum, you should prepare a little. Remember that the test is performed on an empty stomach, within three hours of waking. It is better to carry out this procedure twice on different days of the cycle, so that the result is more accurate.

Hormone prolactin - when to take?

If the following symptoms are present:

The above signs can not always be present with increased or decreased prolactin. But do not forget that the cause of such a violation can be serious problems general health of a woman. Therefore, one should not wait for the development of serious diseases, but urgently seek medical advice from a gynecologist for advice and treatment.

Prolactinum - when is it better to take it?

This question will be answered only by a specialist, having previously examined and taken the necessary tests. The most suitable time for delivery of this hormone, as a rule, falls on the 3rd - 6th day of the menstrual cycle. If the cycle, in fact, is not permanent, which is a sign of increased prolactin, the time of delivery can be scheduled for any day with a second examination.