Urticaria in adults

Diseases, which are mainly affected by children, are often much more difficult to transfer into adulthood. This feature also applies to polythiologic dermatosis, better known as urticaria due to the similarity of burns from the eponymous plant with skin rashes. In this article, we will look at how urticaria looks in adults and how to cure it, determine the factors that trigger the onset of symptoms of the disease.

Types of polyethylene dermatitis

According to the nature of the course of the disease, urticaria is of the following types:

  1. Sharp.
  2. Chronic persistent papular.
  3. Chronic recurrent.

Each form of urticaria in adults has different characteristics, which are discussed in detail below.

The mechanism of development of urticaria

The disease is a continuation of allergic dermatitis , resulting from prolonged exposure to a highly concentrated allergen. Biologically active components of such substances cause an increase in the level of histamine in the blood, which provokes a hypersensitive reaction of the immune system. The excess of histamine leads to the expansion of capillaries, increases the micropermeability of blood vessels and, as a result, manifests itself as an inflammatory process on the surface of the skin.

Unfortunately, the fine mechanisms of chemical interactions in the body are not fully understood in the development of the disease, therefore, most often, it is not possible to determine the exact causes of hives in adults. To date, they include common allergens (food, medicines, pollen, animal hair, etc.).

Symptoms of hives in adults

The main characteristic symptom for all types of the disease are skin rashes, similar to insect bites or nettle burns. They can spread both to small areas of the skin, and completely cover vast areas of the body.

Acute urticaria in adults occurs in the first day after contact with the allergen. It is accompanied by a sharp increase in fever, sometimes exceeding 38 degrees, with fever. Rashes have a pronounced color, cause severe itching and some swelling. In this case, treatment of acute urticaria in adults may not be required, since under normal conditions of the immune system the body cope with dermatitis in a short time.

Persistent papular chronic urticaria is characterized by the presence of large blisters arising, most often, on the folds of the limbs. Elements of rashes are filled with exudate with an admixture of erythrocytes, which, with a long course of this type of urticaria, leads to pigmentation of papules.

Chronic recurrent urticaria in adults does not cause the appearance of swelling. The rash is usually of small size, itching is moderately pronounced. This type of disease is characterized by relapses once or twice a year, with subsequent remissions. During an exacerbation there is an increase in body temperature, insomnia, headache and general weakness of the body.

How to treat hives in an adult?

As practice shows, typical cases of represent a difficulty in therapy and dermatitis retreats within the first week. Treatment of urticaria in adults is carried out according to this scheme: