Imagination properties

Imagination is the creation of new, previously unseen and untested, images. These images our brain creates, using various properties of imagination. For example: memory, thinking , analysis. It should immediately be noted that the imagination is peculiar only to man, and it is this that is the distinguishing feature of man's labor, from the most skillful work of the animal. Because before you do, it is natural for a person to imagine the final result of his work.

Functions and properties

Imagination is, in fact, a very useful thing. It, as it might seem at first glance, is used not only by the bohemian people of art, but also by each of us, from our work to the simplest thinking process.

We distinguish the following basic properties of the imagination, which are of obvious benefit to us with you:

The development of the imagination

To the properties of the imagination in psychology, even creativity itself, that is, the creation of new material values, is reckoned. But this creative process requires imagination of the highest level, which implies extensive life experience, vision and perception of various aspects of life.

From this it follows that for the development of creative imagination we must communicate as much as possible with different people (pay attention: different). Communicating, we take over part of their experience, part of what they saw and part of their personal world. But there is little to communicate, we must also try to understand them. To develop imagination and imagination it is very important to adopt the most contradictory models of the world. The only way to see the world differently is to take to heart the vision of another person's world.

Do not underestimate the role of literature in the development of imagination . We read and recreate again the model of the author's world, which means that we absorb a little from his experience. Although Schopenhauer believed that books, on the contrary, are harmful to the imagination. After all, people instead of coming up with their own unique solution, use book procurement. The question is controversial, but the harm of books will rather spread to those who are not used to thinking, and reads books not for enjoyment and satisfaction of curiosity, but perceives it as a desktop aid in solving life's dilemmas.