Gel for gums Asepta - instruction

Inflammation of the gums is a problem that many people choose to neglect, not knowing what it can turn into. Running inflammation can actually have very unpleasant consequences, up to the loss of teeth. According to the instructions, Asept's gum gel works against problems of any origin. And most dentists have time to appreciate this tool.

Features of the use of the gum for Asepta

Gel Acepta is recognized as one of the most effective antimicrobial agents. Its composition is based on metronidazole and chlorhexidine. Thanks to the latter, the gel is capable of antimicrobial and antiseptic action on yeast fungi, dermatophytes and lipophilic viruses. In addition, Asepta copes with various gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. Metronidazole also specializes in the fight against anaerobic bacteria - microorganisms, because of which, mainly, periodontitis develops.

Gel Acepta is used to treat various kinds of irritation, inflammation and damage to the gums. Many experts recommend using the drug for preventive purposes. The huge advantage of the gel is in the presence of a sticky adhesive backing. Due to this, Asepta is evenly distributed among the tissues and reliably fixed there for at least half an hour. This, in turn, allows the agent to remove the maximum amount of harmful microorganisms. And Asepta is able to destroy even those hidden in hard-to-reach places - between the teeth - bacteria.

And this is not all the advantages of adhesive gel Asepta. Among other things, the product can reduce the increased sensitivity of teeth and gums to hot and cold foods. The use of the gel also helps to maintain the necessary level of hygiene in the oral cavity.

Instructions for the use of Asept gel are written simply and easily. To understand how to use the tool, you can even without consulting a specialist:

  1. Before applying the gel, it is recommended to brush your teeth and rinse your mouth thoroughly.
  2. To Asepta more firmly entrenched on the gums, they must be carefully dried. This is most easily done with a gauze swab.
  3. The gel is applied to the affected area with a thin layer. It is most convenient to distribute Acepta on the gum with your finger or cotton swab. If necessary, the gel is slightly wetted with water.

After the procedure, it is better to refrain from eating food and drinks for an hour. Apply the gel twice a day. The duration of the course of treatment is determined individually, but in most cases a full recovery takes place within a week.

Gel Asepta with propolis

The main difference of this gel - in propolis , available in the composition. This component of plant origin fights with different microbes. Gel with propolis relieves pain and itching, often accompanying inflammatory processes. Against the background of Aseptic reception, metabolism is improved, and regeneration processes are accelerated in tissues. Unlike most similar drugs against gum bleeding, a gel with propolis does not cause burns. All due to the fact that it does not contain alcohol.

Dentists recommend using Asept gels with chlorhexidine and propolis in the complex: the antibiotic agent in the composition destroys most of the harmful microorganisms, after which soft propolis helps to consolidate the effect. But if necessary, the latter can also be used as an independent therapeutic agent.

According to the instructions, use Asept's gel with propolis is necessary in the same way as its more powerful analog: apply on the cleared gums a thin layer.