An adult has monocytes

Monocytes belong to a number of leukocytes, which help the body maintain immunity at the proper level. These are white blood cells, the number of which does not exceed 8% of the total number of all types of leukocytes. But even in this number they are able to withstand disease-causing viruses and bacteria. It would seem that it's bad that monocytes suddenly became larger, because their deficiency indicates the depletion of the body. However, even if monocytes are slightly elevated in an adult, it is a signal that an "enemy" has wound up inside - an infection or other pathology.

Causes of an increase in monocytes in an adult

I must say that the infectious cause of an increase in the level of monocytes in the blood is the most banal and easily diagnosed. But far from always increasing monocytes (monocytosis) is a sign of an ordinary cold. Monocytes can be raised in the blood of an adult when unwanted tumors occur.

So, a similar reaction of the organism occurs in the case of:

With mild forms of infections, such as acute respiratory viral infection, tonsillitis, a blood test gives a change in the leukocyte formula. But everything quickly returns to normal, as soon as the stage of exacerbation of the disease ends. In some cases, monocytosis may persist for another 1-2 weeks after the disappearance of clinical manifestations. This effect is facilitated by the use of medications. A permanent, minor deviation can be regarded as a hereditary factor.

Indices of absolute and relative monocytosis

The fact that an adult is elevated with absolute monocytes is when the total number of monocytes in the body increases with the same number of remaining white blood cells. If in children this indicator varies depending on age, then for the adult organism in this case the constancy is characteristic. Relative monocytosis is a condition where when the monocyte increases by more than 8% the level of other types of leukocytes decreases. This indicator indicates the presence of lymphocytopenia (a deficit of white blood cells) or neutropenia (an insufficient number of produced neutrophils in the bone marrow).

Both of these make the body vulnerable to various kinds of infections. Most often, along with monocytes, other cells responsible for countering inflammatory processes increase. And the relative and absolute rate of increase in monocytes may indicate diseases of the hematopoiesis system. Sometimes the cause of an increase in monocytes lies in a temporary physiological state. For example, in women this period is the last day of menstruation.

To sound the alarm follows with absolute monocytosis, because a slight excess of the norm can be caused by completely harmless causes, even minor bruises, physical exertion or another intake of fatty foods. In order for the indicators to be accurate, the blood from the finger for general analysis is taken only on an empty stomach. Therefore, do not make conclusions in advance. If necessary, the doctor prescribes an in-depth comprehensive examination to dispel vain suspicions. For greater confidence, it is necessary to do a second analysis.