Poor growth of hair in a child

Hair growth in children, as well as in adults, is a very individual process, depending on many factors. Some children are born with a short fluff on the head instead of hair, and others - with chic hair. In most babies, during the first 3-4 months of life, hair rolls out and new, sometimes even different colors begin to grow. And in the future, the child's hair can grow poorly and slowly, and can - relatively quickly. Normally, children's hair grows at a speed of 13 mm per month.

Sometimes slow hair growth in children is just a feature of the body, often caused by genetics, but more often the causes of this phenomenon lie in certain health problems, and poor hair growth is a symptom of more serious diseases.

Causes of delayed hair growth

The causes of slow hair growth in children can be as follows.

1. Poor nutrition . The child's diet should be balanced, and the food - nutritious, diverse, and appropriate age. After all, with food the child gets all the nutrients necessary for his life. Excessive consumption of sweets, carbonated drinks, flour and spicy also affects the hair in the best way. In addition to slowing growth, due to poor nutrition, problems often arise, such as dandruff and even hair loss.

Also, poor nutrition can negatively affect the metabolism: in this case, not only hair, but also the skin will be problematic. In this case, the cause of slow hair growth is a disturbed metabolism. With this problem, you need to immediately contact the endocrinologist.

If the child is breastfeeding, the case may be in the diet of the nursing mother: the more nutritious the food received by her, the more benefit the breast milk brings to her child.

2. Lack of vitamins . The quality of the human hair depends on the satisfaction of its need for vitamins, especially vitamins A, E, C, PP, B6 and B12. Therefore, to treat and prevent hair diseases, you can use children's vitamin complexes according to the age of the child.

In addition to vitamins, the child can also feel a lack of trace elements, such as calcium and phosphorus. They are responsible for the growth of hair in children. Correct the food so that the menu of the child was as much as possible rich in these substances food. This applies to the curd and dairy products, egg yolks, white cabbage, parsley and spinach, fish.

3. Stress . It is noticed that in children, prone to stress and stress, hair grows more slowly. Address to the children's neurologist who will help to solve a problem of uneasy behavior of the kid and by this to eliminate the reason on which at the child hair badly grow.

4. Rickets . A secondary cause of insufficient hair growth can be a serious childish disease, like rickets. This disease in infants is often caused by a lack of vitamin D. If you suddenly noticed that your baby has symptoms of rickets (the child becomes moody, often cries, sleeps badly and sweats heavily in sleep), be aware that the earlier you start treatment, the more effective it will be . For the prevention of rickets in the autumn-winter period, children can be given synthetic vitamin D, and in the warm season, spend as much time in the sun as possible.

How to strengthen hair to the child?

To strengthen hair to the child, as a rule, use special pharmacy medical shampoos, as well as broths of medicinal herbs.

For example, the following folk remedies can accelerate hair growth:

As you can see, it's not so difficult to take care of baby hair properly. Just follow these recommendations, and your child will have healthy and beautiful hair!