Interruption of pregnancy in the early stages

Quite often, women face the problem of unwanted pregnancy. For some women, the methods of protection were unavailable for some reason, someone could become a victim of rape, and for some, methods of contraception were ineffective. The reasons may be different, but the methods of abortion early in pregnancy for different women may be quite the same.

Methods of termination of pregnancy in the early stages

Conditionally, the methods of termination of pregnancy in the early stages can be divided into two types - surgical and non-surgical. Surgical methods include abortion, surgical curettage, vacuum aspiration, etc. Non-surgical methods include methods of abortion with the help of medications.

Before resorting to any of the methods of abortion, it is necessary to make sure that pregnancy actually exists. After all, it happens that the girls themselves determine the alleged pregnancy by some signs, but in fact it may turn out that there was no pregnancy.

The most frequent signs of pregnancy in the early term may be the appearance of nausea, changes in appetite, vomiting, increased irritability and general weakness of the body.

More serious signs of a possible pregnancy are considered to be a delay in menstruation, an increase or inflammation of the mammary glands, discharge of colostrum from the nipples, an increase in the size of the uterus, etc.

But the presence of such signs does not mean that you are pregnant. All these signs are often found in non-pregnant women, and are signs of various gynecological or general diseases.

In order to find out whether you are pregnant or not, you need to carry out hormonal and ultrasound examinations, and not just an ordinary examination at the gynecologist, because not always with the help of an examination you can identify a pregnancy.

There are cases when women are solved for vacuum aspiration, relying on a prolonged absence of menstruation. As a result, after vacuum aspiration, an ectopic pregnancy can occur, which can only be eliminated by surgery.

Pregnancy in the early stages can be identified by analyzing the presence in the blood or urine of the hormone of the chorionic gonadotropin, which is produced by the placenta. This is a specific female hormone, which serves as an indicator of pregnancy.

The ultrasound study helps to detect pregnancy as early as 7 day delay, and is the most effective and simple method of determining pregnancy in the early stages.

If pregnancy is identified, you can go on to consider the methods of its interruption in the early stages.

Surgical methods of abortion:

  1. Vacuum aspiration. Vacuum aspiration, vacuum abortion or mini abortion is an abortion in the early stages of pregnancy, which is produced in pregnancy up to 5 weeks by sucking the contents of the uterus with a special vacuum pump.
  2. Instrumental removal. Instrumental removal or medical abortion is performed by surgical scraping of the fetus using a metal curette. Such abortion is carried out on the term of pregnancy up to 12 weeks. The consequence of this abortion can be damage to the endometrium and the formation of a wound in the place of attachment of the fetal egg. Complications of this type of abortion can be endometritis.
  3. Intravesical injection of solutions. This type of abortion is used in pregnancy more than 12 weeks, by introducing a special solution that causes labor.

Non-surgical methods of termination of pregnancy in the early stages:

  1. Medical abortion. Interruption of pregnancy through medical abortion implies the use of a drug with the active substance mifepristone, which stimulates the process of expulsion of the fetal egg and the hormone supporting the pregnancy - progesterone. It is applied at a delay of monthly to 42 days. The effectiveness of this abortion is 95%.
  2. Magnetic induction. Using a special magnetic cap that emits magnetic fields that interrupt the connection between the fetus and the brain, which leads to the termination of pregnancy. At a delay of monthly to 5 days and absence of contraindications to this method, its effectiveness reaches 50%.
  3. Acupuncture. This method is applied when the delay of the monthly to 10 days, by applying special medical needles to certain active points of the body. As a result of professionally conducted acupuncture, pregnancy is interrupted after several sessions. The effectiveness of the method does not exceed 40%.
  4. Phytotherapy. Phytotherapy is an unconventional method of aborting pregnancy by taking special herbal medicines. This method of early termination of pregnancy is usually used for false positive pregnancies. The effectiveness of abortion with phytotherapy is no more than 20%.

It is important to know!

Remember, the earlier the pregnancy is detected, the safer and more painless it will be!

Abortions in early pregnancy may have late and early complications. Therefore, if after an abortion you have found any changes in the work of the body, immediately seek help from a qualified specialist!

Good luck!