Knees are hurt in the child

If a child has knee pain, then the parents should not dismiss the complaints from any whims. Painful sensations can testify both to a simple knee injury in a child, and about systemic diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis.

Why do the knees hurt the child?

The knee is the largest joint in the body, which undergoes constant stress. There are three groups of causes that can provoke pain:

  1. Acute damage. These include bruises, ruptures, sprains, cracks in the structures and tissues of the knee joint: meniscus, ligaments, tendons. With active sports, the kneecap can move. Most often, such injuries occur during falls and strong impacts.
  2. Overloads - can be associated with excessive weight of the child, incorrect development of the joint, long walking or cycling.
  3. Pain sensations not related to mechanical damage. This can be a pinching and inflammation of the nerve as a result of a trauma previously obtained, infection of the skin, bone and joint, as well as birth defects of the meniscus and directly knee cap.

Thus, if the child has pain and / or swollen knee, immediately consult a doctor - orthopedist, surgeon or osteopath, in order to establish the exact cause. As a temporary anesthetic "remedy" you can use a gentle relaxing massage - rubbing and stroking.

Sometimes the pain in the knee and under the knee in the child is not caused by trauma and is not accompanied by any pathological changes in the joint structures. If this is not permanent and does not cause obvious discomfort, then most likely the pain is associated with intensive growth of bones and there is nothing to worry about.