Kissel from frozen berries - the best recipes of a delicious drink

Any good housewife tries to make the menu of her family diverse, tasty and useful at any time of the year. The selection below will help you decide on the dessert, because jelly from frozen berries is one of the best variations among such culinary creations.

Kissel - recipe from frozen berries

Berry jelly, whose recipe for insanity is simple, even a beginner who has no experience will be able to cook. The main thing to remember is the simple rules accompanying each of the many variations of delicacies:

  1. Berries can not be unfrozen beforehand, if they do not require a recipe.
  2. Initially, a decoction of one kind of frozen product or mix is ​​prepared.
  3. As a thickener, starch is used, the amount of which determines the density of the dessert.
  4. Previously, a solution is prepared from it, mixing the powder with a small portion of the liquid.
  5. The obtained substance is introduced into a boiling base, continuously stirring it intensively.
  6. It is possible to mix the starch beetle with a cold base, which then warms up until it thickens.

Kissel from berries with starch

If you do not already know how to prepare a kissel from berries and starch, this recipe will allow you to realize the first experience and get the excellent drug in all respects. You can use a wide variety of winter ready mixes, which can not be done while cooking the drink from a fresh product because of the different ripening period of different varieties of berries. 8 portions of brew are prepared less than half an hour.



  1. Mix pour a liter of liquid, give a boil, boil for five minutes, if desired, filter and squeeze.
  2. Sweeten the drug, add a starch solution, warm the kissel from frozen berries to almost boiling, cool.

Thick jelly from frozen berries

Berry jelly can be liquid and used as a velvety soft drink or thick, such as that which is eaten with a spoon. The second option is often issued, leaving the specimens in the dessert dish entirely or crushing them to mashed potatoes, but the supply is also possible in pure form without pulp. Berry jelly from starch for 8 persons will be ready in half an hour.



  1. The mass is thawed, if desired, ground in a blender, then poured with a filtered liquid, sweetened and heated while stirring to a boil.
  2. Cook the contents of the pan for 5 minutes, after which a glass of starch is added with continuous stirring and warmed to a density. Do not boil!

How to cook liquid jelly from frozen berries?

To cook a liquid delicious jelly from frozen berries, you will need a minimum of effort on your part. The finished texture of the delicacies in this case is reminiscent of a compote with a subtle, velvety note that gives it individuality and a new semantic and flavoring content. To design 8 servings of jelly from frozen berries will need to spend no more than half an hour.



  1. Raspberries, strawberries and blackberries in equal proportions are boiled until the specimens are lowered to the bottom, sweetening the broth to taste.
  2. Filter the obtained base, again place it on a plate and pour in a prepared starch bolt.
  3. Intensively stir the contents with a whisk, warm up to a boil and immediately remove from heat.

Blueberry jelly from frozen berries

A richly sour, fragrant, rich, with a pleasant sourness and beautiful to look like a jelly from frozen blueberries. In addition, such a drink will bring considerable benefit to the body, taking on all the valuable properties of the base component. It can be cooked in different densities with the pulp and without it. In the latter case, the broth must be further filtered before thickening. A drug for 8 persons can be cooked in half an hour.



  1. Blueberries are poured with water and boiled for a quarter of an hour, sweetening in the process.
  2. If desired, filter the broth and squeeze, after which a solution of potato powder is introduced, while continuously stirring the contents.
  3. Heat the mass, but do not boil and cool.

Kissel from frozen cranberries

Useful and delicious kissel from berries, the recipe of which is set forth, will then become an excellent way to raise immunity and help the body cope with a mass of ailments. If desired, the drink can be supplemented with zest of citrus or mint leaves, which will significantly enrich the taste palette of the dessert and make it more fragrant. To design 8 servings of brew you need to spend half an hour.



  1. Cranberries are thawed, grinded through a sieve.
  2. Puree is temporarily set aside, and the cake is cooked for 5 minutes with the addition of zest or mint, filter and combine all together.
  3. Sweeten the obtained base, pour the starch mixture, stir, warm up to a boil.
  4. Ready jelly from frozen berries cranberries cool to warm or cold and serve.

Cherry jelly from frozen berries

Kissel of frozen cherry berries to cook is not less simple and quick. The product can be used with or without bones. In the first case, the dessert will be smoother and more generous, and in the second case, even the children can be served with berries. Varying the proportions of the liquid base and the cherry, you can get a different brew on the saturation. 8 servings will be ready in half an hour.



  1. Cherries are poured with water, add the sugar and boil with stirring for 5-7 minutes.
  2. Prepare the mallet from the potato powder, inject into a cherry broth and heat until thick.
  3. To the surface of the jelly from frozen berries is not covered with a film, you can sprinkle it with sugar crystals.

Kissel from frozen berries in a multivark

Next, you will learn how to weld a berry jelly with a multi-cook device. With this design, the dessert is saturated and aromatic, as the device creates ideal conditions for the base mass to maximize its taste characteristics. You can use berries in any combination, choosing a mix to taste or the presence of components. A tasty drink for 8 persons will be ready in half an hour.



  1. To realize a simple recipe for jelly from frozen berries, the latter are poured into the bowl with water and turn on the appliance in the "Steam cooking" mode for 15 minutes.
  2. After the signal, the starchy solution is poured, the contents are mixed thoroughly and after the appearance of the first bubbles on the "Heat" the device is turned off.