Iranian carpets

It's no secret that oriental carpets are known all over the world, because their quality and special patterns have already been appreciated by many generations. In particular, Iranian handmade carpets are famous for their original design, soft nap and special durability.

Modern Iranian carpets

Initially, all the Iranian carpets were only handmade. Actually, today you have the opportunity to purchase a completely unique and made by the hands of man a thing. Dyes and selection of paints remain the same: natural substances, strong knots and carefully selected threads. Each master devotes much time to the design, diligently turning sheep's wool into a work of art. Below we will consider some facts that will be useful in choosing Iranian carpets:

  1. Relatively recently, the country had to introduce some innovations. Now there are firms that offer Iranian carpet rugs. But usually it's about mechanizing the washing process, painting and using spinning machines. The figure, colors and arrangement of the ornaments are still completely individual work of the master. The drawing is put on paper, divided into squares and the master is already sketching the drawing.
  2. As for the material, natural sheep wool is most often used, which is the reason for the density and softness of the carpet, which makes it so warm. The hair is dyed with natural dyes, these are vegetables with herbs, a walnut shell and wood. The color can be fixed with citric acid or caustic soda. As a result, the carpet is completely safe, and the color remains bright and does not burn out, it does not wash out.
  3. The main center of carpet art is Mashhad. It was the Iranian carpets from the masters of Mashhad that at one time became an export, a kind of bridge to Europe. Most often you will find patterns in blue, red shades. The entire Mashhad series is distinguished by special restraint and elegance.
  4. But Iranian carpets from the brand "Abrishim" are very dense viscous. Each square meter has up to a million knots, which makes the carpet almost eternal. As materials used sheep wool, as well as silk. This trademark more often uses natural beige shades, less often red and blue.
  5. Even today Iranian carpets of machine work preserve traditions and according to the drawing you can determine what the master wanted to say. For example, the oval figure in the central part symbolizes spiritual purity. And small patterns, like complex ivy twists, symbolize the tree of life.