Why can not pregnant women go to church?

In the people there are many beliefs and superstitions, after listening to which, women in the situation do not understand why pregnant women can not go to church, especially if before they came there not only to put a candle, but also stood in the service. Let's find out together whether there is such a taboo among the clergy or all idle speculation.

Is it possible for pregnant women to enter the church - the opinion of the clergy?

Once in the old days, when a woman waiting for a baby was not let out of the house, so that she was not jinxed, she, among other things, was not allowed to visit the church. But those times have long passed, and the clergy are indignant when they hear such questions - is it possible to go to church for pregnant women.

The fact is that according to the Bible, the body is given to the person by his parents, and the soul is given by God. And it does not appear at the moment of the birth of a small man into our world, but is given by the Almighty already at conception. Will he really resist that a mother who carries a baby in her womb does not come to his earthly abode, in order to pray for him in prayers, ask for protection and help.

The only time when a woman can not cross the threshold of the church is postnatal 40 days, and the rest of the time she is clean before the Lord and can go to the service and perform all the sacraments of the church.

Why should a woman visit a church during pregnancy?

If the future mother is oppressed by uncertainty, she fears for the life and health of her baby, experiences how the childbirth will pass, then the best way for peace of mind is to go to the priest for confession and receive communion.

Also, if health allows, you can defend the service on Sunday and on major holidays, although not all pregnant parishioners are able to do it - the smell of incense, the congestion of the people and a small room can cause a giddiness or loss of consciousness, so go to church necessarily with a companion .

Ask for blessings for childbirth and pray before the icon for the health of the baby should be sure. For this, there are the faces of saints, to whom women with a child have long been drawn with a heart.

Can I be a godfather and get married?

Now it became clear that pregnant women can visit the church, but whether it is possible to participate in the sacraments of baptism and weddings is a separate matter. If a woman has enough strength to hold during the ritual of a heavy baby, then it is not forbidden to take the godmother.

And to marry a couple expecting a child - the more pious business, although the baby, supposedly, was conceived in sin, it's never too late to instruct his parents on the true path, and also to save his fragile soul.