Wooden panels for wall decoration

Let's talk about the original methods of decorating the walls. Wooden panels are very suitable for these purposes. In today's world of advanced technology and technological progress, mankind, unfortunately, increasingly pays attention to the ecology of the materials used, as well as the impact of these materials on the environment and its health. This issue becomes most relevant when it comes to finishing materials for your own home or apartment. Wooden panels in the context of this issue are ideal for decorating the walls of housing.

The tree has excellent properties, useful in operation:

  1. Attractive and expensive appearance . Indeed, it is not a secret for anyone, how beautiful the tree looks in the interior . Playing with the shades of colors and the variety of their natural genuine patterns, decorative wooden panels for the walls make an aristocratic mood and unique style in the interior of the room.
  2. Durability . Decorative wooden panels for walls are distinguished by their long service life, replaceability, maintainability and ease of installation. If during the operation one or several panels from the wooden paneling of the walls are damaged or rendered unusable, they can easily be repaired. Considering in the same way that a tree is a material that can be easily processed, you can easily replace the damaged part of another, whole and new.
  3. Harmlessness . A few words about this were mentioned above. But since the safety of life is the first place, let us remember it again. Wall cladding with wooden panels is safe and does not cause any harm to health due to the fact that the tree is a natural product that does not contain harmful impurities and additives capable of releasing toxic gases, which increase the temperature or the burning (smoldering), and adversely affect human health. Of course, none of the materials used for wall cladding are not critically dangerous to health. This means that living in a house that is sheathed with plastic material will not poison you with evaporating vapors. But such couples can bring a lot of trouble to those people who suffer from chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract, among them people suffering from asthma.

Very topical, stylish and unusual look in the interior of the wooden 3d panels for the walls. What are they? This is a three-dimensional wooden panel that creates a delineation of the space with the help of its panoramic cutting. Wooden 3d panels for the walls will fit well into the modern classic interior. This is the perfect combination of classics and contemporary art.

Types of processing of the top layer of wooden panels

Wooden decorative panels for walls as well as any material for finishing is subject to primary processing. There are 2 types of processing of natural wood arrays:

  1. Varnishing and coating with wax . This type of coating gives a shine to the panels of the wooden paneling of the walls, and also provides resistance to moisture. Lacquer coating preserves the tree from external damages, which also prolongs its service life.
  2. Embossing . This kind of treatment means applying on the wooden panels for the wall covering of patterns and ornaments, by pressing. This procedure is carried out under special conditions with the help of large press machines. So we can get wooden decorative panels for walls with original illustrated compositions. In addition, after such a procedure, the material becomes stronger.

You can purchase or order wooden decorative panels for walls for every taste, according to the invented project. When building your home, choose health and quality.