19 weeks of pregnancy - the first stirring of crumbs and sensations of mother

Throughout the gestation period the future child grows and develops. Numerous changes occurring in his body, often affect the state of health and appearance of the pregnant woman. So, 19 weeks of pregnancy can be accompanied by the first increase in individual parts of the body due to the increased synthesis of somatotropin.

19 weeks of pregnancy - this is how many months?

Pregnant women consider every day of gestation in anticipation of meeting with their baby. In most cases, the term is initially set by the doctor on the basis of menstruation. The starting point is the first day of the last monthly discharge. Obtained as a result of such calculations, the term is usually called obstetric (differs from implantation for 2 weeks).

Often, expectant mothers consider pregnancy months. In such cases, there are difficulties in translating the weeks reported by the doctor in the months. In practice, the translation of weeks into months is simple, knowing the basic features of such calculations. Doctors always take a month equal to 4 weeks, and the number of days in it is 30, regardless of how many are in a calendar month. As a result, it turns out that 19 weeks of pregnancy - 4 months and 3 weeks. After a week, 5 months will begin and gestation will reach the "equator".

19 week of pregnancy - what happens to the baby?

The baby at the 19th week of pregnancy is developing at a rapid pace. There are changes in the CNS - the connections between nerve cells are formed, the volume of the brain increases. As a result, the reflex reactions become more complicated, the motor activity of the fetus increases: it often moves with handles and legs, sucks the thumb of the hand. This is confirmed by the ultrasound.

There is improvement of the digestive system. In the intestine begins to accumulate the original cal - meconium. It consists of partially digested amniotic fluid, which swallows the baby, and dead cells of the intestine. Accumulation occurs until the end of the pregnancy, and discharge to the outside is observed only after the appearance of the baby in the light. Kidneys at this time allocate the formed urine to the amniotic fluid, where it is excreted by the mother's urinary system.

Fetal height and weight at 19 weeks

The fetus on the 19th week of pregnancy continues to grow and gain weight. The speed of these processes and the values ​​of anthropometric indicators depend on the hereditary factor and diet of the future mother. It is proved that the intake of excess fat and carbohydrates into the body leads to a quick set of the mass of the fruit. Many pregnant women with overweight doctors recommend adhering to a diet.

It should be noted that the growth and weight of the fetus relate to the individual characteristics of development. However, when performing ultrasound, doctors pay attention to them, comparing the size of the child with the expected duration of pregnancy. When there is 19 weeks of pregnancy, the average length of the fetus is 22-25 cm. The body weight of the future baby is more variable and by this time is about 300 g.

Pregnancy 19 weeks - development of the fetus

When the pregnancy is 19 weeks, the fetus develops into a new stage. The main event of this week is the completion of the formation of the placenta. This organ has been functioning for a long time, but only by this time the third circle of blood circulation is forming. From this time, the placental barrier completely functions, protecting the fetus from the effects of pathogens.

It should be noted that the placenta performs many important functions, among which:

  1. Respiratory - providing the fetus with oxygen.
  2. Trophic - useful substances are delivered to the fetus through the placenta.
  3. Protective - cleans the mother's blood with a hematoplacental barrier.
  4. Hormonal - is involved in the synthesis of hormones necessary for the maturation of the fetus and its growth.

How does the fetus look like in 19 weeks?

The baby at the 19th week of pregnancy changes slightly. Skin covers still have a red tint, but they are not as thin as before. On their surface, a damp grease gradually appears, which not only protects the skin from the impact of amniotic fluid, but also promotes the fetal movement through the birth canal during childbirth. Every day the subcutaneous fat layer increases. At this time, its accumulation takes place in the area of ​​the kidneys, breasts. The layer of subcutaneous fat also increases on the cheeks, due to which the baby looks like a newborn.

19 week of pregnancy - stirring

Twitches on the 19th week of pregnancy become more intense. However, not all pregnant women can feel them at this time. In most cases, similar phenomena in 19 weeks of pregnancy are registered by women, bearing the second and subsequent children. Primitives notice the first movements of the fetus near the end of the week. At the same time, they describe the sensations in different ways: someone compares them to the light splashing of a fish, someone - to the fluttering of a butterfly.

An important indicator of the general well-being and condition of the fetus is the amount of perturbations he makes. Doctors recommend fixing activity periods during the day and counting them. The optimal time for such observations is the interval from 9 to 19 hours. The child at the 19th week for this time should make itself felt at least 10 times. Decrease or increase of this indicator is an indirect sign of a possible violation and requires additional diagnostics.

19 Week of Pregnancy - What Happens to Mom?

Talking about what changes are accompanied by the 19th week of pregnancy, what happens to the organism of the future mother, doctors notice a significant increase in weight. This indicator depends on many factors, so it can vary. On average, by this time the body weight of the pregnant woman is increased by 4-5 kg ​​compared to the original one. In addition, it is possible to increase the individual parts of the body of the future mother.

19 week of pregnancy is accompanied by rapid growth of the fetus, which is due to an increased synthesis of the hormone of somatotropin. It also enters the maternal organism, speeding up the synthesis of DNA and RNA in cells. As a result of such processes, individual women can notice a proportional increase in the nose, ears, fingers in the arms on the 19th week of pregnancy. It is worth noting that after the birth of the baby everything comes back to normal and takes the same size.

19 week of pregnancy - sensation of a woman

At the pregnancy period of 19 weeks, the development of the fetus and the sensation of the expectant mother are related to the first movements of the baby. At first they are barely perceptible, have low intensity and frequency, so not all pregnant women notice them. In the uterine cavity there is still plenty of free space, the baby can move easily and only occasionally touches the wall of the uterus with the handle or leg. Pregnant women notice that by this time the baby has his own biorhythms: at a certain time of the day he is more active, in another - he sleeps more.

Belly at 19 week of pregnancy

The uterus at the 19th week of pregnancy, more precisely, its bottom is located 18-19 cm above the lone articulation. As the fetus grows, the body volume increases, mainly upwards. With each week, the height of the standing of the uterine fundus will increase by 1 cm. The shape of the abdomen remains ovoid, the navel begins to stick out gradually because of the increase in size.

As a result of the increase in the abdomen, the center of gravity changes. The woman begins to walk, leaning back. At the same time, the gait of a pregnant woman changes: when walking, the entire mass of the body is distributed to the supporting leg. Outwardly, such a gait resembles a duck, and, seeing a woman even from the back, we can say with certainty that she is carrying a baby.

Allocations at 19 weeks of gestation

The nineteenth week of pregnancy can be accompanied by an increase in the volume of vaginal discharge. Often they become abundant and more fluid. However, their color does not change. Normally, this is a transparent or whitish hue of excretion, which do not have an unpleasant odor (sometimes there is a slightly perceptible sourish tinge). Any changes concerning color, consistency, odor of secretions require a visit to the doctor. Against the background of weakened local immunity, there may be an exacerbation of chronic infections that negatively affect gestation.

Pain at the 19th week of pregnancy

When the fifth month of pregnancy is over, a woman may notice a periodic appearance of painful sensations in the lower abdomen. However, they are so insignificant and short that many pregnant women do not attach importance to them. This is how training fights manifest themselves. They represent a spontaneous reduction in uterine myometrium, which does not lead to the onset of labor. In most cases, this phenomenon disappears on its own when the pregnant position of the body changes.

In connection with the increase in weight and size of the fetus, the load on the legs increases. When it's 19 weeks of pregnancy, most women notice aching pain in calf muscles, feet that intensify in the evening, after a long walk or load. Against the background of such changes, pain in the back and lower back is possible. To reduce the frequency of their appearance, doctors advise:

  1. Rest by placing a pillow or roller under your feet, giving them an elevated position.
  2. Wear shoes at low speed, give up heels.

Screening for 19 weeks of pregnancy

Ultrasound of 19 weeks of pregnancy is the second mandatory study (in total, ultrasound is performed at least three times during gestation). It helps to determine the condition of the fetus, the features of its development, location in the uterine cavity, the type and location of the placenta. Thanks to this method, doctors can diagnose possible disorders, developmental abnormalities, congenital anomalies. In addition, they pay attention to the sex of the baby. The norms of the main indicators are given in the table.

Dangers at the 19th week of pregnancy

The second trimester often occurs stably. Disturbances and complications at this time are rare. However, in some cases, the pregnancy period of 19 weeks may be accompanied by a pathology such as pregnancy fading. With this violation, there is an increase or, on the contrary, a decrease in the motor activity of the future baby, which should be the reason for contacting a doctor. Among other hazards of this period: