Cesarean or natural childbirth - which is better?

As is known, the generic process should normally flow through the natural birth canal. However, in cases where there are risks to the health of the fetus or the mother, a caesarean section may be prescribed.

Quite often, women who are assigned to cesarean, think about what is best: such an operation or natural childbirth. In order to understand, it is necessary to compare these two processes among themselves.

What are the benefits of birth in a natural way?

In Western countries, doctors are increasingly beginning to practice caesarean section, as a method of delivery that is painless for women. Therefore, the question concerning what to choose: natural birth or cesarean section, - sounds more often.

However, in the CIS countries midwives adhere to the opinion that classical genera have a number of advantages. First of all, it is:

If we talk about what is safer: cesarean or natural birth, then uniquely classic births are much easier and, as a rule, have fewer complications.

What are the main disadvantages and risks associated with cesarean delivery?

Caesarean section is, first of all, a surgical intervention, which in any case is associated with certain risks. Therefore, this type of delivery is prescribed only in special situations.

During operations, there is a high probability of complications, an example of which may be the development of bleeding, injury to nearby organs. In addition, we must not forget about the anesthesia load, which not every woman's body can. Perhaps, this explains the fact that cesarean is worse than natural birth.

However, there are situations when delivery through natural ways is impossible. Indications for caesarean section are as follows:

In addition, the so-called "relative indications" for conducting cesarean section are distinguished. They include any extragenital infections that are in the stage of decompensation, as well as fetoplacental insufficiency.

How does the body recover after natural birth and after cesarean?

Very often women are interested in such a question, which is more painful: cesarean or natural childbirth. But few people think about how the recovery of the body after cesarean and how after normal birth.

Cesarean section is carried out under general anesthesia, so the woman does not feel any pain at all. But in carrying out the delivery in this way, as a rule, the recovery period of the organism is also longer.

So almost for 10 days a woman is in a hospital under the supervision of doctors. During this time, the health condition is monitored. there is a high probability of complications, an example of which may be uterine bleeding. In addition, a woman is treated daily with antiseptic treatment of the suture, which remained after the operation.

Thus, thinking about what to choose a cesarean or natural delivery, a woman should weigh all the pros and cons. If there are no special indications for carrying out the delivery by cesarean, then the woman needs to be adjusted to the classic delivery. At the same time, it must be remembered that this is the best way for a baby, improves its adaptation to new conditions.