Blood type and Rh factor

It is common knowledge that four blood groups have been identified. The belonging of the blood of each person to one or the other of them is a congenital and permanent phenomenon. The most common system of blood groups is AB0 (a, b, zero). The composition of the blood is quite complicated, but red blood cells are important for determining the blood group, on the membrane of which signal molecules - antigens can be present. The main antigens are A and B. The Rh factor (Rh) is an antigen (lipoprotein, protein) that can also be found on the envelope of red cell cells. It consists of more than 50 antigens, the main ones being C, c, D, d, E, e, B. Since it is important to know whether it is positive or negative, it is said about antigens D and d and their combinations when the protein is inherited by children from parents.

Determination of blood type and Rh factor

In order to identify a group of human blood, find out whether it has antigens A and B:

  1. If there are none at all, this means that the blood belongs to the I group, which is designated "0".
  2. If antigen A is present, this blood belongs to group II, it is designated as "A".
  3. If the antigen B is present on the cell membrane, this blood belongs to group III and is designated "B".
  4. If the antigens A and B are present, then the blood of group IV is designated as "AB".

To find out what the Rh factor is, you need to find out the following:

  1. If this protein is - it is believed that the human Rh factor is positive.
  2. If protein is not found - the Rh factor is negative.

According to the research, it is known that about 85% of the inhabitants of the planet have a positive Rh.

How to know the Rh factor and the blood group?

It happens that during the life of a knowledge of the blood group and the Rh factor is not useful. However, there are situations in which it is necessary to know this information:

To do this, you need to do an analysis for the Rh factor and blood group.

The definition of the group to which the blood belongs is to examine it according to the ABO system. To determine the blood group, it is necessary to find out whether antigens A and B are present in red blood cells. The test is performed using control sera containing antibodies to antigens A and B. Antibodies to antigen A are called anti-A and are designated α (alpha), and to B-anti-B and denoted β (beta). When certain manipulations are carried out, the erythrocyte adhesion reaction occurs, called agglutination. Antigens A and B are called agglitinogenes, and antibodies α and β are agglutinins.

If agglutination (adhesion) takes place, the Rh positive, if not - negative.

To determine what type of blood, compare specific antibodies (α and β) and antigens (A and B), in other words, 4 blood groups are obtained as a result of various combinations of agglutinins and agglitinogens.

There are several ways to investigate Rh blood:

  1. Express method. This is the main method of investigation - when a test tube with blood samples is not heated. This requires a universal serum, suitable for all blood groups.
  2. Gelatinous method. Mix in equal proportions blood and 10% gelatin solution.
  3. Alternative methods. Study with Petri dishes.
  4. With the help of papain. This definition is made in extreme cases to identify compatibility before the procedure of blood transfusion.

Features of people with different blood types

People who have a positive blood type of Rh, are determined and self-confident.

Those who have a second blood group, and a positive Rh factor, are sociable, communicative, open, friendly, able to adapt.

People with a third blood group and Rhesus positive are optimistic and open, like adventures.

With the fourth blood group and the same rhesus, people have a mild and gentle character, they are intelligent and unordinary.