How to name a turtle a girl?

Planning to start a pet, we think first of all about the conditions of its maintenance. And only when the animal is already at home, we remember that he needs a nickname.

Not everyone loves turtles, but those who understand them know how smart and interesting animals are. Many of them are able to even respond to their nickname, while they do not have a binding to growling sounds (unlike dogs) or hissing (like cats). Hence, the conclusion is that, as a rule, it is not difficult to name a boy or a girl a turtle.

But do not rush to call your new pitomitsa Tortilla - there are more original names ! Let's talk about them.

Choose a name for a turtle girl

There are many variants of names - it all depends on your preferences and imagination.

Very often turtles are given noble, "royal" names - Bella, Ophelia, Ariel, Margot, Michel. They are more suitable for large animals with graceful habits. This can be said about the names of ancient goddesses or queens: Cleopatra, Penelope, Venus, Juno, Aphrodite.

Often people give names to turtles in honor of their favorite characters (actors, writers and other celebrities). In this case, the turtle can get a girl name such as Agnia, Jeanne, Faina, Angela, Lady Gaga, Isadora, etc.

Your hobby can also affect the future name of the python: there are cases when the turtles were called Tequila, Button, Swallow and even Bun.

If you are only considering Russian variants of the name for the girl's turtle , you can stop at the following: Kira, Shura, Raya, Polina, Tonya, Masha, Sasha, etc. "Try on" your pet one of these names, and you will understand that sometimes you should not "reinvent the wheel"! And, finally, do not forget about universal names suitable for animals of both sexes: Pepe, Lou, Pashka and many other similar nicknames.

If you can not decide the name, just take a break and watch the animal for a couple of days. Perhaps then you will come to mind a nickname that is suitable for your pet, based on the characteristics of his character and behavior, for example, Piratka, Pig, Mermaid, Glutton or Chatty. What do not come up with the hosts, trying to call the red-turtle girl as much as possible original! You can also choose as a name even a non-existent name, which you come up with yourself.