What kind of grass can you feed rabbits?

You can talk about the benefits of rabbit meat for a very long time. This product is not only very tasty, but also dietary. Also amazing variety of dishes, which can be prepared from rabbit meat. But it turns out that not all plants can be consumed by these animals.

What are the feeds?

They can be divided into juicy, coarse (hay, branches of bushes or trees), concentrates, vitamin and mineral top dressing, which must be given in accordance with the instructions that are necessarily attached to them. Always the most delicious food for rabbits were juicy feed. These are herbs and vegetables, which have a great nutritional value. But you need to be very careful when feeding your pets.

Useful grass for rabbits

Beginners are wondering whether it is possible to feed rabbits with nettle, dandelions, burdock, sorrel or alfalfa? All this grows nearby on the lawn, but many cause fear. We list the main plants that should not be feared:

In this list, you can make other wild plants. But new or unfamiliar species should be given extremely carefully and it is better not to take risks, because there is also a dangerous grass for rabbits. You can accidentally stumble upon a dope, spurge, raven eye or bleached. Bean plants (vetch, alfalfa or peas) should be given with restrictions so as not to cause poisoning or other diseases . It is best to give them mixed with cereals. Desirable useful plants alternate, creating a kind of nutritious green mixture. Dill or parsley is sometimes allowed to be offered to rabbits, but in a very limited amount (as a treat for one branch) and it is not recommended to give them to nursing females at all.

If you grow eared handsome men themselves, then completely insure against ingestion of pesticides, stimulants or heavy metals. For those who decided to breed these fluffy animals, it is very important to know what kind of grass you can feed your rabbits so that they always remain healthy.