Antibiotic for bronchitis in adults

Many people get bronchitis and often. This is a complex disease that requires close attention and serious treatment. But fortunately, with the timely start of proper therapy, the ailment recedes quite simply. Sometimes, bronchitis in adults is prescribed antibiotics. It happens quite often, but not always. In some cases, it is possible to cope with the disease without the use of strong drugs.

In what cases is the treatment of bronchitis in adults with antibiotics?

Recently, people have become more and more sick with bronchitis. The reasons for this - in insufficiently strong immunity, complex environmental conditions, too fast-paced lifestyle. In many patients, the disease even develops to a chronic form. And often this is due to the fact that doctors choose the wrong treatment strategy.

To get rid of bronchitis, you need to reliably determine the cause. After all, the disease of a viral nature is not treated with antibiotics - this will only exacerbate the situation, but in fact a strong medicine can not be overcome by a virus.

Treatment of chronic or acute bronchitis in adults with antibiotics is advisable when:

Specialists very much do not recommend the use of antibiotics to treat people after the age of sixty. Refuse such a radical method is better in the period of exacerbation of the disease or in the presence of obstruction.

What antibiotic is better for drinking in adults with bronchitis?

Choosing the right antibiotic is a complex process. The main component of it - the definition of a pathogenic microorganism that caused the disease.


Antibiotics-aminopenicellins, getting into the body, destroy the walls of bacteria, as a result of which they perish. The drugs work very carefully. That is, they are dangerous only for harmful cells, healthy ones are in complete safety. The only drawback of this group of drugs is that they often cause allergic reactions. The most famous representatives of aminopenicellins:


Very often, antibiotics-fluoroquinolones are used for the treatment of acute bronchitis in adults. These are medicines of a wide spectrum of action. To use them often and for a long time is very much not recommended - the work of the gastrointestinal tract may be disrupted and dysbacteriosis develop. Fluoroquinolones destroy the DNA of microorganisms. The group includes:


Sometimes even three tablets of antibiotics-macrolides in adults with bronchitis are enough to cure. These medicines do not allow microbes to develop, disrupting the process of producing proteins in disease-causing cells. They are effective even in complex forms of the disease, which are of a lasting nature. To their help, as a rule, apply, with allergies to drugs of the penicillin series. The brightest representatives of their group:


Antibiotics group called cephalosporins for bronchitis in adults are prescribed in both injections and tablets. They have a wide spectrum of action. Destruction of harmful microorganisms is carried out by inhibiting the synthesis of the substance-base of the cell membrane. You could hear about such cephalosporins as: