Lecrolin analogues

Lecrolin - an ophthalmic preparation against allergies. The agent is used for inflammation of the cornea, eye mucosa or eyelids caused by exposure to various allergenic substances. This medicine can be used both for medical and preventive purposes.

Features of drops Lecrolin

The main component of the drug is sodium cromoglycate (concentration 2%), which suppresses the release into the cellular environment of biologically active substances that cause inflammation in response to the influence of allergens. It is produced by Lecrolin by a Finnish pharmaceutical company.

Analogues of eye drops Lecrolin

There is a considerable amount of analogues of this drug, which are produced on the basis of the same active substance (and with the same concentration). Therefore, in the absence of Lecrolin in the pharmacy or for other reasons in consultation with the attending physician, it can be replaced by one of these remedies. Let us list the structural analogues of the droplets under consideration:

In addition, a large number of other ophthalmic drugs are produced against allergies that have similar effects, but contain other compounds as active ingredients. Such drugs can be prescribed in the absence of a positive effect in the treatment of Lecrolin or the occurrence of side effects during its use. Let us give the names of some of these agents in the form of eye drops:

Determine what is better to use - Lecrolin, Opatanol, Kromogeksal or another drug, only an expert can, depending on the clinical picture and individual characteristics of the patient.