Vaccination against tetanus

Of all infectious diseases, tetanus is considered the most dangerous and unpredictable. This disease can affect the entire nervous system and often leads to death. The invention of the tetanus vaccination was a real breakthrough in medicine. It's not so easy to believe, but it's easy to catch an infection even today. Therefore, vaccination can not be neglected.

When are tetanus vaccinated, how much does it work?

Tetanus is a disease caused by harmful microorganisms of Clostridium. Bacteria of this species live and actively reproduce in the environment. Most of them in the soil and saliva of animals. Clostridia can live in the human body, but good immunity will not allow them to multiply and harm.

Special vaccinations against tetanus are designed just to increase the efficiency of the immune system. The composition of the vaccine contributes to the development of the necessary antibodies in the body, aimed specifically at combating clostridia.

Many believe that tetanus prophylaxis is carried out only in childhood, but in fact in protection from infection a person needs throughout life. There is even a special vaccination schedule. According to this document, children from tetanus really should be vaccinated more often. Adults need to be vaccinated without fail every ten years (approximately the same duration of a single vaccine). The first inoculation against tetanus in adulthood should be made as early as 14-16 years.

The easiest way to penetrate the infection is through the wounds. Therefore, sometimes a vaccine should be done, breaking the usual schedule. Emergency prevention may be required in the following cases:

  1. It is recommended to inoculate with serious damage to mucous membranes or skin.
  2. To patients of traumatology, who received penetrating wounds, tetanus vaccinations are made without fail.
  3. To protect from infection follows the young mothers giving birth outside the hospital.
  4. Vaccination will also be required for patients with gangrene, abscess, tissue necrosis or carbuncles.

Where is tetanus vaccinated?

Combined vaccines are most often used. They should be administered intramuscularly. The smallest patients are allowed to inoculate the thigh muscle. Adult vaccine is introduced into the deltoid muscle of the shoulder. Some doctors prefer to inject in the back (area under the shoulder blade).

It is strongly recommended not to vaccinate against tetanus in the buttock. In this part of the body, subcutaneous fat is accumulated and it is quite difficult to get into the muscle. Subcutaneous administration of the vaccine can have unpleasant consequences.

The side effects of tetanus vaccination

All vaccinations may have some side effects, and a complex tetanus vaccine is no exception. After vaccination, one should not be surprised at the following phenomena:

Fortunately, in most cases the body reacts to a tetanus vaccine normally.

In order to avoid possible side effects, vaccination must be checked with contraindications:

  1. Do not inoculate with allergies to many medications.
  2. To transfer the vaccination should be pregnant.
  3. To damage the vaccine can be for patients suffering from an infection or experiencing an exacerbation of chronic diseases.

After vaccination, it is advisable to follow a diet and eat only light foods. It is always necessary to give up alcohol.