Nasal drops from allergies

Allergy - excessively increased susceptibility of the immune system - according to statistics, is already familiar to every fifth inhabitant of the Earth. Its manifestations are diverse, but the most common symptom is the common cold. It can occur periodically, during the flowering of certain plant-allergens, or as a reaction to other stimuli of immunity. Also an allergic rhinitis can be a constant companion of a person.

Types of nasal drops

Droplets in the nose from allergies are divided into several types according to their action. Let us consider each of them in detail.

Vasoconstrictive drugs

This kind of nasal drops is most often used against allergies and to relieve its symptoms. The most famous of them are:

Despite quick help and efficiency, these drugs have a significant drawback - they are addictive and exert a drying effect on the nasal mucosa.

Immunomodulating antiallergic drops

One of the effective drugs of this group is Vilozen. It has a corrective effect on immunity and reduces the manifestation of allergic rhinitis caused by pollen from plants.

Antiallergic drops in the nose with antihistamine composition

These include:

Their action, like all antihistamines, is based on blocking the receptors responsible for the allergic reaction.

Nasal drops with glucocorticoids

Among such preparations:

The use of these drops can be prescribed only in cases where other types of pharmaceuticals do not have the desired effect. The advantage of the above mentioned drops is that the amount of side effects is reduced due to the fact that these drops do not enter the blood.

Combined antiallergic drugs in drops

Among such medicines:

These drugs combine several active substances that have the necessary effects:

Such medications give a fairly quick and lasting result against the common cold.

Rules for the use of antiallergic drops

When using nasal antiallergic drops, it should be remembered that they simply block or relieve the symptoms, in no way influencing the true cause of the allergy.

Before using any of the drops, specify the period of their application and possible undesirable reactions. Try not to exceed the dose and frequency of using drops, as this can lead to the development of some complications. With persistent allergies, it is best to contact an allergist, who can not only advise the most effective drugs, but also establish allergic agents and prescribe therapeutic treatment directly from allergies.