Poisoning with chlorine

Chlorine in everyday life is used for disinfection of water and washable surfaces. But this substance can be dangerous if it enters the human body in high concentrations.

Poisoning with chlorine and chlorine vapor - symptoms

There are 2 types of such poisonings: acute and chronic. In the first case there is a single hit of a high dose of chlorine in the body, in the second - a long reception of small doses.

In turn, acute poisoning can be:

  1. Easy.
  2. The average severity.
  3. Heavy.
  4. Lightning fast.

For a mild form, irritation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and mouth is characteristic, which passes independently 2-3 days later.

When chlorine poisoning of moderate severity, there are such symptoms:

Symptoms of severe chlorine poisoning:

Lightning Poisoning - Symptoms:

With chronic poisoning with chlorine, the following signs are observed:

Chronic poisoning usually occurs in people whose professional activities involve the use of this substance. This is the chemical, textile and pharmaceutical industries. In addition, you can get poisoned even when using detergents when working in the home. Especially it is necessary to pay attention to the following substances:

Consequences of chlorine poisoning:

  1. Bronchopneumonia.
  2. Pneumosclerosis.
  3. Recurrent bronchitis.
  4. Activation of pulmonary tuberculosis.
  5. Chronic pharyngitis.
  6. Laryngitis.
  7. Tracheobronchitis.
  8. Tracheitis.
  9. Emphysema of the lungs.
  10. Pulmonary heart failure.
  11. Broncho-ectatic disease.
  12. Cholic acne on the skin.
  13. Pyoderma.
  14. Dermatitis.

These symptoms and diseases can occur after a long period of time after chlorine poisoning and gradually progress. Therefore, if you find the first signs, you need to check your health.

First aid for chlorine poisoning

First of all, you need to call an ambulance, indicating to the dispatcher that chlorine poisoning has occurred. Then you need to try as soon as possible to perform the following activities: