Ovaries and abdomen ache

Often, women are faced with such a situation, when they suddenly begin to ache in the ovaries, and at the same time lower abdomen. Then they think about the reason for this state, to establish which is correct, is not always possible.

Why are there pains in the ovaries before menstruation?

Quite often the ovary begins to ache before the menstrual period, and the pain disappears only after they finish. This syndrome is common. The thing is that after the end of the month on the place where there used to be an ovum, the ovary should undergo formation of a yellow body. It is a small accumulation of cells that synthesize progesterone. In cases where the yellow body is not completely formed, as a result of which progesterone is released in less quantity, a partial detachment of the uterine mucosa is observed. The entire process is accompanied by painful sensations.

The main manifestations of this ovulatory syndrome are:

The reason for the pain in the lower abdomen is the cyst ?

In some cases, the cause of the woman's stomach ache is the ovarian cyst. Pain occurs because the cystic formation in most cases is filled with fluid, which dramatically increases the volume of the gland itself. However, very often the girls and do not suspect the presence of cysts in the ovaries, and learn from this only after ultrasound.

If the cause of pain is precisely the cyst, then for this pathology the following symptoms are characteristic:

Pain can be mild and the girl sometimes only notes a feeling of discomfort or heaviness.

Endometriosis - the cause of pain in the lower abdomen?

In the case of the presence of endometrial overgrowth, quite often the girls have a stomach ache in the ovaries. At the same time, the onset of the disease is asymptomatic. Only after 4-5 days a woman marks the appearance of dull, aching pain in the ovaries, which quite often irradiate into the perineum and rectum.