Halyazion in children

Children of preschool and primary school age often suffer from inflammatory diseases of the eyelids, to which barley often belongs, and more rarely halyazion. First of all, you need to know what halyazion differs from barley, and on what grounds it can be determined.

Halyazion (in medical sources also "gradina") in children begins with a small swelling of the eyelid, which occurs as a result of blockage of the sebaceous gland. The disease can cover both one and both centuries at once. In this case, the child also has reddening and puffiness of the area around the eye. Exactly the same signs characterize the beginning barley, but after breaking through, barley disappears without a trace, while haljazion hardens and resembles a tight capsule. Halyazion is manifested by the convexity of the eyelid, if it is close to the outer surface of the eyelid, or it can be detected by twisting the eyelid.

The reasons for the formation of chalazion in children are most often:

In some cases, haljazion dissolves or opens itself, but in most cases it grows and requires treatment under the guidance of a specialist.

Modern treatment for halazion

Treatment haljaziona in the home is not meaningful, and often leads to complications, so the first symptoms of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor. If the parents still wonder how to cure halalions on their own, then the only safe home remedy is warm compresses. You can apply a warm towel at a temperature of 38-40 ° C to the closed eyelid for 10-15 minutes. To maintain the desired temperature, the towel is soaked in warm water. This procedure can be done up to 4 times a day, fixing the effect of warming with a gentle massage of the eyelids. Massage movements are done in a circular motion with your fingertips for 5 minutes. Such procedures for a week will reduce inflammation and relieve discomfort.

Conservative treatment of haljazion

At the initial stage of the disease, before the formation of a dense capsule, a conservative treatment method is effectively used, including the use of a yellow mercury ointment and disinfectant drops.

In more advanced stages of the disease, an effective method is corticosteroid therapy - the introduction of steroids into the cavity of the halazion, which help it to resolve.

Surgical removal of chalazion

If the two previous therapies did not lead to the proper result, surgical removal of the halajson in children is used. The operation to remove the haljazion refers to simple and is performed on an outpatient basis. It is usually performed under general anesthesia, cutting the eyelid from the side of the mucosa and carefully cleaning the bed. With this operation, no stitches are applied, so after healing there are no traces of interference.

Removing the halalyon with a laser

Some modern clinics practice the removal of halazion by a laser. This procedure is absolutely painless and is performed under local anesthesia. In comparison with other methods of treatment, removal of halazion with radiation from a diode laser is a more reliable means, which is effective for halyazones of all sizes and degrees of neglect. Moreover, after laser treatment, there are fewer relapses.

Treating haljazion with folk remedies

Along with the traditional methods of treatment of haljazion, you can additionally apply folk recipes. It is considered effective to treat aloe juice, which should be instilled in the diseased eye 4 drops 5 times a day, and after gently massage the cone with your fingertips. Thanks to such procedures, haljazion breaks through and the disease goes away.

To prevent disease, you must follow the rules of hygiene, lead a healthy lifestyle and avoid stress.