Varieties of courgettes

The kitchens of many peoples are surprising with their exquisiteness, exoticism, and some dishes are frankly frightening. But most of them combine dishes in which there is a venerable and in the Slavic cuisine zucchini, cooked in a certain way, or even in raw form.

The best varieties of zucchini

Varieties zucchini affect their quantity, differing adaptability to certain environmental conditions, the color of leaves and fruits, their size, taste, yield, periods of maturation, methods of cultivation and care . The family of pumpkin is diversified by many varieties of courgettes and zucchini (their Italian variety, faster maturing and having various bright and colorful colors). Pancake varieties of zucchini require more space than shrub and zucchini, but they have a higher yield. However, if you choose correctly and surround with competent care of some varieties of shrub courgettes, you can get an excellent result and reap the benefits of their work.

Early varieties of zucchini are more in demand than medium and late ones, because the period of ripening of their fruits until the possibility of eating is 30-35 days, without removing the fruit from the bush for a longer time, you can get a fodder variant with fully formed seeds and coarsened skin , ready for long-term storage.

I want to highlight, listening to the opinion of experts in agricultural crops, some of the best varieties of shrubstuffs that are known, unpretentious and common, so it will be very easy to acquire their seeds.

  1. "Tsukesh" . The shrub zucchini. Can be eaten in 35 days. Resistant to diseases. The mass of one oblong elongated fruit of a dark green color is 1 kg.
  2. "Roller" . Bush variety with large, white-greenish fruits. Ripens in 35 days and has a high yield.
  3. "Helena" . Bright yellow courgettes of this sort of bush zucchini are ready to please their excellent taste after 42 days. Bushes are compact, like watering and open sunny terrain.
  4. The Pharaoh . The yellow sweet pulp of these large fruits, sometimes reaching a weight of 1.5 kg., In raw form, is perfect for salads, has adsorption capabilities, it improves the functioning of the intestines.

If you have not decided yet which zucchini to give preference, stock up a few colorful and ripe representatives of different types, open a cookbook and begin to identify your best variety of courgettes.