The wedding is just around the corner: Rihanna eagerly awaits an offer from her boyfriend-billionaire

The dark-skinned beauty of Rihanna has literally blossomed recently. Her surroundings do not doubt: it's all about relationships with her lover, Hassan Jameel. Rihanna is in love, and just shines with happiness and anticipation of the future wedding. She is sure that she will very soon receive a long-awaited proposal to become the wife of an Arab rich man and is already considering the details of the upcoming ceremony. About this Western media told the closest girlfriend of the celebrity:

"Rihanna is fully confident that her meeting with Hassan is a heaven gift. She dreams of becoming his wife and giving birth to a baby. She believes that her beloved will be a wonderful father. When we meet, she talks about him almost all the time. She often lives in London, and Hassan lives there just the same, and this gives them the opportunity to spend a lot of time together. "

Now it remains only to wish Rihanna to quickly get from the beloved the long-awaited offer of the hand and heart. Papa Barbados singer was pleased with the potential son-in-law, but he warned Hassan that his daughter is a freedom-loving girl, independent and she does not take well when she is constantly told what to do and how ... Let's hope that these words of the singer's father did not frighten her Arab lover ...

One wedding - two ceremonies

Recall that the relationship of the star of the musical Olympus and the Saudi billionaire was tied at the beginning of the summer. Such a short acquaintance does not prevent lovers from discussing the details of the future wedding.

Given that the artist was born in the Caribbean, and her favorite - in the Middle East, they do not want to arrange a marriage in the US or in the UK. The best option is two ceremonies in the homeland of both newlyweds.

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Given that both Jameel and Rihanna are wealthy people, the value of this whole action does not play a special role. The main thing is that the holiday is a success!