When can I castrate a kitten?

Those who have a kitten in the house know why their pet is beginning to tag the territory, rush about the apartment, miaow and behave very worried. All this - the signs of sexual attraction, which brings residents of the house and the pets themselves a lot of trouble. Therefore, one of the more radical and irreversible solutions to the sexual problems of the animal, including its owners, is sterilization .

To the question, when it is necessary to castrate a kitten, should be treated very seriously and responsibly, because after the operation the pet will not be able to leave after itself the offspring. But still, it's better than to make the animal suffer and suffer from the frantic scream and unpleasant smell in the house. Therefore, in this article we will tell you when it is best to sterilize your pets.

When is it necessary to castrate a kitten?

Experts argue that the time to remove the body that produces the hormone is the period of the onset of puberty (puberty). Then the animal ceases to be interested in pictures outside the window, with old toys and rushes around the house in search of a partner or partner for mating games.

When asked about the age at which kittens are castrated, veterinarians sometimes respond in different ways. Some perform the procedure for 5-6 month old fuzzy, and in the US, for example, the owners do sterilization 3-4-month-old kittens. The most suitable age when it is possible to castrate kittens is the period from 4 to 9 months of life. Cats can be operated after 3 months, in men, puberty occurs, as a rule, later - at 7-8 months.

However, before you decide on such a responsible step, it is better to consult a veterinarian and clarify how many months to castrate your kitten. Do not forget, that too early sterilization can harm the health of a pet, disrupt its hormonal background and lead to serious health problems. Although the procedure of castration itself lasts no more than ten minutes, it passes painlessly and without suturing. Therefore, cats after it quite quickly come back to normal and live an absolutely normal life without mental and physiological disorders.

As for the age limit, when you can castrate a kitten, it is not installed. In fact, it is much safer to sterilize a one-year-old kitty than a 2-or 3-month-old baby who has not fully formed.